Ah,What'll Happen If You Swallow a Battery??

Agh, random thought. What’ll happen if you swollow a battery?? ..Or would nothing happen?? Idunno, random thought.

Answer #1

doesnt batteries have like… bad stuff in it? lol. I would recommend not eating a battery :]] try some kiwi haha

Answer #2

My oldest son swallowed a watch battery and we had to check his poop for it to come out. My middle son swallowed a magnet and he needed an x-ray to find out where it was and then we had to check his poop for it to come out. Thankfully they both got them out with no problem.

Wow…my kids used to stick strange things in their mouths…thankfully they finally out grew that phase.

Answer #3

ó_ó well guessing you’d have to make yourself throw it up again very quick. lol

Answer #4

Well, if the acid in your stomach manages to corrode the battery, you’ll end up with battery acid inside of you - very bad.

If you’re lucky you’ll pass it, but I wouldn’t want to be the person who has to pass that.

Answer #5

when I was little I swallowed little plastic needles about 5 of them and never had a problem

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