advice- my mom wants to kick me out.

I’m 20 years old, in the top 10% of my college class, and a varsity athlete, and work part time. I feel like some parents would love to have a kid like me, but my mom hates me. she threatens to kick me out all the time, and usually for no reason. I moved away for three months this summer, and she wrote me emails and begged me to come home, and I thought she meant it and came back… and three months later and she says she wants me to leave again. I cant deal with the instability, and I dont know why she hates me. I fight with my sister who is 18, over clothes & cars & things all sisters fight over, and my mom is convinced this is grounds for being kicked out. I also sometimes argue with my stepdad, whom I usually otherwise get along with. I am just wondering if anyone thinks she is in the right to continuously threaten me… and if my behaviour (fighting with my sister & occasionally stepdad) is abnormal? these threats have gone on all my life, from being threatened to send me to my estranged dads when I was 13, to live in residence when I was 17, and now just on my own in general. anyways, any opinions would be gladly appreciated. thank you.

Answer #1

You’re 20 - adult - you paint the picture that’s it’s all her - tell us her side.

Answer #2

Just tell her I think I am pretty good and I try to impress you but you just got to tslk to her and tell her everything on your mind and even if it means some fighting

Answer #3

Arguments within a family is pretty normal, but as we get older we learn to try to be mature about things and back off instead of continuing an argument. Give and take. Sometimes we give in to an argument, but sometimes we can just be the bigger person and let the other person get what they want.

Your mom is just a very stressed out woman. She probably never fully recovered emotionally from separating with your dad. She also probably going through menopause, which can be a very hormonal and crazy period for her that could give her bad mood swings and sometimes being unreasonable. So it only takes a little bit of harmless exchange of words between you and your sister to tick your mom off.

So, do know that she loves you, and is very proud of your achievements. If you go away she will sorely miss you, because you are still her son. She just has a hard time controlling her emotions, I guess you have to try and understand that, and know that she doesn’t actually hate you.

Well, since you’re all grown up now, it’s really up to you if you want to stay with your parents, or move out on your own. Take your time in trying to find a place when you do. Talk to your mom a lot. Try to be friends with her while you’re staying with her. She really craves attention from you.

When you move out, your relationship with your mom will gradually change into a good one. You don’t live with her anymore, and her perceived “stress” with you around will be no more. She can take the time to do her own things on her own time. Keep in contact with your parents on a regular basis though, appreciate that they’re there for you, you will miss them when they’re gone.

Answer #4

It’s really up to you if you feel that your mom wants you to move out, then take time to look for a place to live. I’m thinking maybe your mom is dealing with issues that’s happened in her life and she seems to take it all out on you. Since you’re an adult, you have to make the decision whether you should move out or not. I don’t know if your mom hates you. I’m sure she doesn’t. She loves you and is very proud of your achievements you have. I’d also sit down and talk to her and ask her why she’s feeling this way. As far as your sister, we all have those moments. My sisters and I fought allot when I lived with my parents. Just understand the fact that your mom is having a hard time coping with your father’s separation or devorce. She’s probably feeling no support from you or your sister. You should be there for her since she’s emotionally stressed out. If you’re really close to your mom, she’s taking all her emotions out on you. That’s normal and natural. Talk to her and try not to argue so much. We all have arguments with our families. As I mentioned, you’re an adult and you decide if you want to move out. But, your mom will miss you too much. I’d talk to her first and try to develop some kind of relationship with her. Good luck and I hope you choose what’s right for you.

Answer #5

Do you realize that you and your sister are becoming adults? That has to give your mom some sad thoughts. Not only are you making her realize that she is getting older but that she is about ready to lose two things that have been dependent on her for the past 18 to 20 years. She’s getting older and about ready to have an empty nest and probably is having trouble dealing with that prospect.

I think you and your mom need to sit down and have a real heart-to-heart CALM talk. Let her know your feelings and aspirations and ASK her about hers. Communication may be the key that helps you both to coexist.

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