Is cellulite a gene or something you get?

Is cellulite a gene or something you get? How do you take it away?

Answer #1

everyone has it. just some people have more than others - usually larger people.

cellulite is fat…

Answer #2

It isn’t a gene, but in some cases it can be genetic. If you are inactive and unfit and drink a lot (basically an unhealthy lifestyle) you can get quite bad cellulite. The best thing for cellulite is to drink enough water and get enough excercise - especially the area with the cellulite.

Answer #3

no, its not a gene, and its not genetic either genetic means its a gene thats passed down to your children, and celulite is not a gnee many, many people have it, even vcelebrities have it its pretty normal its all due to the fat under your skin, sometimes it can be a little lumpy and this will show up on the skin as cellulite overweight and obese people are likly to have more of it than normal people but most people still get it exerscising and keeping helthy is a good way to help prevent it theres quite a lot of surgerys to help it and treatments or things like creams to help it even pills, which do not work there really isnt a way to take it away exept fpr surgery which is unessessary and can just leave you with more lumps

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