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thinks its an adjective cz adverbs its like two words together
It’s an adverb in this sentence because it describes/modifies the verb “struck”.
Transition sentence - 4 Answers
What does transition sentence mean? Like when a rubric says... 'must have good transition sentence.'
What factors might cause low level of production? - 1 Answers
What factors might cause a country to produce at a level below the production possibilities frontier?
using the word latent in a sentence - 2 Answers
need help using the word latent in a sentence and with quotes
How do I make this into a compound sentence? - 3 Answers
ok well I have no clue how to make these sentences compound complex! they sound fine to me... what do you think? Tolerence h...
Japanese Adjectives - 1 Answers
I have a Japanese quiz on tuesday, and my dad wants me to study my japanese adjectives. I don't have my textbook and can't f...
I need to write a sentence using the word contempt - 2 Answers
I need to write a sentence using the word ...contempt...help?
An adjective (I think) - 2 Answers
What's a word to describe that something is really annoying and irritating to the extent of extreme hatred, but yet is not po...
Transition sentence for my paper on "Dexter" - 1 Answers
Okay, so I'm writing an analysis on the show Dexter. I'm also really terrible at writing transition sentences. Does anyone ha...
Decree means an order having the force of law, in a sentence? - 1 Answers
Okay. So I know the word decree means an order having the force of law ..or to issue such a order or to command firmly or for...
German sentence translation - 2 Answers
Can anyone translate this sentence: Nach dem schlechten Essen hat mir der Magen weh getan. I tried myself but couldnt and w...
Types of Sentences
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