What address do I use when writing about problems with my phone?

I know I am addressing Apple and not AT&T, I asked my teacher and he said ‘Customer Service”. Do I put the headquarters address or does customer service have their own address (probably sounding really dumb right now)

Answer #1

The headquarters. Although, if I were you I would call Apple instead, I’m sure they wont take the time out of everything going on to read a letter or something.

Answer #2

They read my teacher’s letter, he got a new ipod and a $15 itunes giftcard and this happened last november.

Answer #3

You write the letter hun,it is the best way and the most recognised in any court as being the right way….Words on paper is the only way you can complain to a lot of things here in the UK.I think it is viewed as if you can be bothered to write and post then you must be serious and then they listen/reply….Make a copy tho.

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