How can I add photos to my howto?

i am writing a howto,though i am writing it myself but i dont have my own photos,i wanted to know if we can take photos from internet or not.please help.

Answer #1

Im pretty sure you can use a picture from the net seeing a how half of the how-tos that have pics are from the net and they got approved.

Answer #2

Yes, you can go on google images to get photo’s of something that looks like/describes what you are talking about in your howto. I read a lot of howto’s and most of them have pictures from the internet. =]

Answer #3

Each “step” you create has a place for you to (optionally) add a photo to go with the step. Photos appear on the right, if used.

It’s just like adding pictures anywhere online that make you browse and upload. Search Google Images or Wiki Images for photos that you want, save it to a place on your computer (I use folders to save photos for each How To), remember where you saved it, hit “add photos” at the bottom of your How To step, and after hitting browse just go to where you saved the photo and click. It’s just like adding a photo to questions or Your Photos on the site.

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