Who is the best actor of all time?

Answer #1

For me: Robert de Niro.

Answer #2

same here

Answer #3

That’s a tough one. Every time I think of one, I think of another.

Ralph Fiennes is great. He’s done some challenging and unusual stuff.

In five minutes another actor will pop into my head, though. There are so many great ones.

Answer #4

I can’t remember his name sadly, but the guy that plays Hannibal

Answer #5

And Lucille Ball

Answer #6

Sir Anthony Hopkins? Oh, he’s a great.

Answer #7

I thought that was it, but I’m not good with names :-/

Answer #8

Clark Gable

Answer #9

Humphrey Bogart.

Answer #10

David Tennant because he is so good at Shakespeare

Answer #11

He’s the best Dr. Who since Tom Baker, too! :)

Answer #12

I always found DeNiro to be overrated. Perhaps 20 years ago the guy made some good movies (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas), but the guy generally cranks out crap these days. Sure the Meet the Fockers is funny but that is more Ben Stiller than DeNiro.

Answer #13

has no one said Tom Hanks, really??

Answer #14

Tom Hanks is a great actor! Maybe not the best of all time but very talented indeed.

Answer #15

Well aside from a brief stint with my community theatre I don’t know much about acting. But I would say that Kate Winslet is very talented. I don’t know about the best of all time, that carries a lot of weight. But she’s up there.

Answer #16

Johnny Depp. <3

Answer #17

you have to go back that far..

Answer #18

the actors of today have nothing on teh classics.

Answer #19

johnny depp ….my opinion

Answer #20

I HAVE to agree with that one :p

Answer #21


Answer #22

That’s a tough question, there are soo many out today that have amazing acting skills. But a few that would be great in any gene of movie would be of course.. Johnney Depp, in any role he could nail it, Some others would be Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson. & I’m sure there’s a few more great ones that I;m not thinking of right now

Answer #23

Richard Dryfuss, Tom Hanks, or Jack Nicholson for me :)

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