About scooter libby

why didnt he go to jail?

Answer #1

The man’s got connections as they say… as a matter of fact… he’s probably considered to be in the establishment class… and they are better than you and me and the great majority at FA.

Elites never go to jail… or on the rare occassion they must to placate the meaner sort… those of us who must toil for our livelihood… they enjoy a brief sabbatical at the most lenient of white collar low security prisons… also known as Club Fed.

Did you notice the smug… sh!t eating grin he wore in front of the cameras? He knew the punishment he faced. I’m certain he was staving off an uproarious deep belly laugh at the lot anticipating him behind bars. His sunken cheeks bellowing like a steam locomotive managing a steep incline as he tried to hold it in.

What goes around… comes around. Libby was an attorney of another elite gangster… Marc Rich. He was Rich’s lawyer for a couple of decades after the fugitive scoundrel absconded with tens of millions owed in taxes/facing a 51 count indictment. Rich or Reich… by birth never saw a day in prison either… he was pardoned by former President Clinton. In Clinton’s defense… Rich had been generous with campaign funds to the former President and his wife. As an outgoing act by Clinton… then President Bush never questioned the pardon… to the contrary he hired in the loyal attorney as aid to Vice President Cheney.

This is how the world works… the upper echelon… is apolitical… they are too busy trying to instate or hide the new caste system to be worried about the left/right dialectic. There are two different sets of rules for the seperate castes… those of us at the bottom must walk the law abiding line… if not… we face the consequences… even petty drug or vice laws must be regarded… else we face time in jail or worse. This is the machinery. We play all of our games on the property of the one kid in the neighborhood who always changed the rules in his favor as the game progressed.

Since we have a compromised media neglecting to tell the truth… keeping us in the already decided game… these obvious affronts to fairplay continue to go unnoticed.

Answer #2

Uhh. . . maybe because he was not guilty of any crime? Just a guess. Joe

Answer #3


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