When is it too late to have an abortion?

when is it to late to have an abortion?

Answer #1

24 weeks is the last time to have one, after that it is ilegal

Answer #2

No on asked for opinions here so keep them to yourself. Just confirming that it is usually the first trimester in which abortions are able to be done legally. Each state has different laws though, you can learn about them here:

Answer #3

I am highly against abortion, but I am not going to complain about someone elses decisions.

the first three months are when you can get an abortion. after that it should not be done.

Answer #4

After 3 months in the US it is only legal to get an abortion if the mothers life is at risk (it gets very complicated at this point, several doctors have to sign off, etc). I believe laws vary though, and it may be possible to get abortions at a later date in other countriesā€¦

Answer #5

The first quarter of the pregnancy, would be the first three months. After that, it becomes morally unacceptable to many people, including most doctors :)

Answer #6

after the 3rd month its illegal to induce artificial abortion, or you will be trialed for infanticideā€¦

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