Is it possible that there could be abandoned ships in the ocean just floating around for years?

Answer #1

Yes. Pirates could capture them.

Answer #2

i guess there could be?

Answer #3

Actually floating? I doubt it, but I don’t doubt that there are some sunk at the bottom of many oceans.

Answer #4

yes it is very possible- smaller yachts and sailing ships with only a minimal crew are more susceptible to being found abandoned than the larger commercial ships. many small vessels have been discovered with no crew and only the mysteries of how they disappeared . that is part of the bermuda triangle mystery and other “triangles” around the world.

if you truly think about it- a crew of 2 or 3- you get hit by a storm- everyone is swept overboard- can’t get back on the ship- eventually drowning- ship keeps floating around until it either sinks or is discovered.

Answer #5

Maybe who knows there could be

this world is very big

Answer #6

Yes, in 1872 the Mary Celeste was found abandoned, in perfect condition with six months worth of food on board, the lifeboat was missing and the crew have never been found, many theories originate as to what happened to them, from Mutiny to piracy etc, so yes there could be ships out there abandoned

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