A website that can show me

How to finger a girl like in a movie or a porno.I want physical imstructions

Answer #1

You seem to be posting a lot of questions about how to “do” things correctly, and that’s the wrong way to approach things. While it’s always handy to have an idea of a few things to try as a starting point, going into sex with a mindset of “First I do THIS and then I do THIS and then we’ll do THIS” is just going to leave both of you frustrated, horny, and confused.

There is no rulebook for fingering, oral sex, handjobs, or anything else. Every single person you meet in life is going to be different and want different things. The sooner you learn this, the better. The people who are regarded as good lovers do not get their moves from pornos or websites. They get them by reacting to their lovers, by paying close attention to what is working and what isn’t and being able to react and adapt. Good lovers are very, very in tune with their partners.

Bad lovers, on the other hand, see a guy slamming his finger into a woman or rubbing his fingertips as fast as possible on her clitoris in a porno, decide that’s what works, try it on their girlfriends, and quickly wind up single.

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