What do you want to be?

I want be a tattoo artist! …what about you ,,,what do you want to be??

Answer #1

I’ve been thinking of becomming a tattoo artist too for a few years but even at 19 years old, im still not sure what I want to be or do tattoo artist is near the top of the list though

Answer #2

In school to be a psychiatrist…

Answer #3

Photo editor and song writer on the side.

Answer #4

drummer. Or an MMA fighter in UFC

Answer #5

I want to be a pediatrician!

Answer #6

I Wanna Be A Ventenarian, Or Zoologist.

Answer #7

Music Producer!

Answer #8

well, I want to be a teacher, but I’m also in the process of starting a band in which I will sing and write songs

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