A question to ponder. . .

Why does your nose run and your feet smell?

Answer #1

I got another one…why do they call them apartments? they all attached together…shouldn’t they call them attachments?

Answer #2

If your knees bent the other way - what would a chair look like ?

If you’re traveling in a car doing the speed of light and turn the headlights on - do they come on ?

Why is it called a tv ‘set’ - when there’s only one ?

If a man makes a statement standing in the woods with no woman around for miles - is he STILL wrong ?

Answer #3

How fun is this? My favorite is “It is cold as hell in here.” If hell is believed to be eternal fire, hmmm?

A nose doesn’t really run, does it? Grossness can drip out of the nostrils. And I don’t put my toe up to smell the coffee or the flowers. Sometimes feet STINK! I guess the saying “feet smell” is incomplete, huh? Maybe it should be “my feet SMELL bad”.

Answer #4

The same reason we ‘park on a driveway’ and ‘drive on a parkway’ :-)

Answer #5

if a fat chance and a slim chance are the same thing…why aren’t a wise guy and wise man the same thing?

Answer #6

Lol.. . . . Hey I got a rise. . . .

Answer #7

my nose does not run and my feet do not smell

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