7 Things about you!

What are 7 things you love and 7 things you hate?

Answer #1

LOVE: music movies family friends books life running

DISLIKE (I don’t hate on people or things [ : ) Jonas Brothers music Miley Cyrus music stuck up people ketchup PIMPLES these girls at my school George Bush

Answer #2

I dont hate them I hate wearing them I feel so uncomftable lol I consider yellow, orange, and colors like those are fruity but there cool lol

Answer #3


  • Friends
  • Clothes
  • Family
  • Music
  • Freedom
  • Spring
  • Trees


  • Generic people
  • Rules/Police
  • Boredom
  • Msn speak.
  • Insomnia
  • Confusion
  • Myself :) haha emo kid.
Answer #4

I’m in a spunky mood… the letters “lol” isn’t a word!!! Sorry I had to say that!!! HE HE HE

Answer #5

LOVES: My oldest child my second oldest child my second to youngest child my youngest child my mom my dad my boyfriend

Hates: although it is a word I rarely use, I prefer dislike My Ex-husband Being cold Being too hot Ketchup Alcohol Messy yards Dirty dishes

Answer #6

I don’t know why I’m doing this but here…

-love rain spring rock alternative independence skate boarding shopping

-hate herpes winter brothers country religious music stuck up people the word ‘lol’

Answer #7

Love: snowboarding dancing surfing guys rock climbing food shopping

hate: bug bites sun burns getting pissed off whiners pimples cigarettes dramaqueens/people over-reacting.

Answer #8

Loves: ballet friends and teachers at ballet cry-fest movies sad songs my dance teacher when she’s nice when people show you they care about you looking at fashion magazines and seeing at least SOME (excuse me heyjay2 for using caps) models who don’t look like skeletons

hate: when my mom and dad fight (which is every day) when my dance teacher drowns me in self-pity making me burst into tears during class how the good people die young waking up on christmas in an empty house and nothing under the tree finding out my dad is in jail for domestic violence, drugs, and alcohol when the not-so-deserving people get everything they want and the most deserving don’t get anything mustard

Answer #9

Loves: My oldest son Colby My middle child Ethan My youngest child Kylee My parents My husband My nieces My nephew

Hate: People being mean to my kids My oldest nieces mother being mean to her Doing the laundry Paying bills My van When my husband is tired and overreacts a lot When I have to tell my kids the same thing about 20 times till it finally gets halfway done

Answer #10

Love Summer Beach Surfing Sk8ing Working out Family Friends My dog Partying Music


people who walk slow Public transport people who speed in their cars Animal cruelty The lady off “so you think you can dance” Being cold When people cry when they get drunk

Answer #11

love- night scremo skating rain guitar friends family (sometimes)lol

hate- hot weather r&b fruity colors chores mushrooms people who kill animals when people annoy me while listening 2 music

Answer #12

Loves: God Family/friends Films PASTA! Reading Sleeping in on a rainy morning Laughing til I cry

Hates: RUDE PEOPLE Intolerance of race, culture, gender and religion 8am Stats lectures (complete torture!) Messy houses Dunedin winters Childish politicians Formaldehyde

Answer #13

Fine, I will do 7 different things. Love: ballet listening to music shopping friends lean cuisine the don quixote pas de deux Misha, a biography about Mikhail Baryshnikov

hate: getting sick spraining your ankle pimples eating disorders stereotypes being ignored not getting what you wish for

Answer #14


  1. The little things in life, like sunshine, being with someone who you love etc.
  2. Music. I mean making it, not listening to it all the time.
  3. The earth.
  4. Piano.
  5. Film.
  6. Dancing.
  7. Life itself.


  1. A**holes 2.Inconsiderate, discompassionate people. 3.Fakers. 4.Global Warming 5.Drinking 6.George Bush and his comittee or whatever you call it. 7.Unoriginality
Answer #15

I do believe a lot of your “hates” belong to a lot of other people!

Answer #16

My oldest sons name is Colby!!!

Answer #17

apology accepted. I’m sorry myself I overreacted.

Answer #18

I was just teasing. sorry, I didn’t mean to annoy you.

Answer #19

fruity colours? Hehe funny! I like that. What do you consider a fruity colour?

Answer #20

I hate wearing red, I feel very… visable!

Answer #21

dawnathen, who are you talking to? Me?

Answer #22

sorry the abbreviation lol is that better? also writing in caps annoys me :}

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