What should I do about this?

I told my best man and my brother that the stripclub wasnt that important to me and going to a bar after we go see a phils game was fine. So my brother got pissed at me cancelled the bachelor party and wasnt comin to the wedding cause quote im not gonna support you marryin a insecure controling b#!ch. then he sends this message to my girlfriend next morning she gives me a dirty look and shows me that message, I get pissed call my bro and tell him to knock it off and he calls me back and says he wants nothin to do with me and im no longer his bro. What should I do bout this I HATE DRAMA ?

Answer #1

dude, your bro shouldnt be getting mad for little stuff like that…just dumb…second, if hes not gonna be supporting your life goals and hes gonna be making it worse, youre better off not talking to him…dont cause yourself stress on this before the wedding…just try to blow it off from now…if anything happens, settle it like the old days, fists…lol…but thats last resort…and the messages thing, get a new number or sumthin…hope it helped in anyway…Good luck with the Wedding and hope you enjoy it…later

Answer #2

tell somebody don’t keep your feelings bottled up

Answer #3

He’s probably upset that he hasn’t found a good woman yet…or it could be that he’s gonna miss the bond tht you two had prior to getting married to your fiance. Just give him some time to get it together.

Answer #4

He’s probably upset that he hasn’t found a good woman yet…or it could be that he’s gonna miss the bond tht you two had prior to getting married to your fiance. Just give him some time to get it together.

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