How am I still up?

It’s 2a.m. and I’ve been listening to the same song for the last hour while learning Python. :P print “I’m too cool for Java.” #Because I’m too dumb to learn buttloads of algorithms. :( <—Python talk

Answer #1

I am soooo glad I am done with programming :( it was never my thing.

Answer #2

I actually find it “interesting”. I initially wanted to go the Java route, but I was obviously shooting too high with my non-programming/math background so I went simple and chose Python 2.7 and 3.0 as my first language. If all goes well, my next journey will be going to Django and then Ruby and only then will I feel ready to start Java. :P

Answer #3

Haha, I was attempting to go down that java and C++ route. My god there was so much math and programming was much too hard for me. I did findi t interesting :/ but it just wasn’t something I can do I guess. Good luck Aleks! :) I’m sure you’ll do much better than I ended up doing.

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