What do you think of Ron Paul?

what do you think of Ron Paul?

Answer #1

It hasn’t always been a 2 party system, check your history in the begenning of this nation.

Answer #2

Ron Paul will never be more than a tiny footnote in history. He has no real support. I wouldn’t look to see him run again.

Answer #3

first the IRS isn’t a government agency. It is a private instituition that is run by the bankers of America. The IRS and income tax was never ratified back in 1933, meaning it was never voted upon. They said it looks like it will be ratified but never was. You can verify this by checking the history. This country never paid any form of taxes until the Civil War. Back then President Lincoln installed a voluntary tax program. If you wanted to pay it you could but were not required by law. Back then this country didn’t have any debt, it was a very rich nation, nothing like it is now.

Second the governments role is not to dictate or be in our business. The governments role is a role of servitude. Our government is there to serve the people not run their lives.

Women don’t want the government telling them that they can’t have abortions. The government dictates the laws on this. This is the government being in peoples business.

The H@mo Sexu@ls and Lesbi@ns want to be able to get married but the government says no. Again this is the Government being in peoples lives.

Ron Paul is a true constitutionalist. He wants to see our government restored back to the way it was intended, a government for the people and by the people. The reason he wants to make drugs legal is because 1. The government can tax it and regulate it. 2. It will cut down on the crime because the drug addicts won’t have to break the law to get it. 3. By making it legal they can regulate the people who are addicts and help get them off the drugs.

Concerning the tax issue. He wants to have a fair tax system. Basically a National sales tax. This would cause anyone who spends money on things to pay the same in taxes. This system will work. He not only wants to abolish the IRS he wants to pull all our troops from all over the world. We don’t need to be fighting everybodys battles. If we were to pull out of Korea, Germany, Japan, England, Iraq, Afganistan and all the other places we are in we could save Billions and billions of dollars therefore saving the tax payers in this country. We could then use those troops to patrol our borders and we wouldn’t need a fence built to keep the illegals out.

If we don’t get a grip on things in this country I am afraid America is headed for big trouble. I believe that Ron Paul is a revolutionist with a vision. He dosen’t participate in the lucrative pay plan that congress gets and I don’t know of one congressman who is willing to give up his $180,000.00 to $200,000.00 dollar pay from from our government.

Most congressman are there only because of the money. This is why I believe Ron Paul would be a great president. I am very disapointed in the republican party because they have not stepped up to the plate the way they should.

Answer #4

I haven’t really heard of him much.

Answer #5

I love Ron Paul and am a big supporter. Unfortunately some people don’t feel the same. I voted for Ron Paul on super tuesday, even though I already knew it would be between obama, clinton, and mccain.

Ron Paul will be back though, so I’m not worried, he is a great candidate.

Answer #6

They said it was hopeless for Ronald Reagan when he ran, but you know the story he was president for 8 years. As a matter of fact Ron Paul was one of only 4 congressmen who supported Reagan.

Answer #7

I’m with toadaly, the third party candidates aren’t pandering to their campaign contributors and aren’t just giving lip service. But you’ll never get a 3rd party candidate elected. Thats the way this silly two party system is designed.

Answer #8

I would like to see people explain WHY they think he would be a good choice. He wants to virtually eliminate most government programs, including the IRS and Department of Education. And legalize marijuana and other drugs, because he doesn’t feel the government should be in people’s business. I’m curious why people like him? Can you all give some backup on why you do?

Answer #9

I love Ron Paul and am a big supporter. Unfortunately some people don’t feel the same. I voted for Ron Paul on super tuesday, even though I already knew it would be between obama, clinton, and mccain.

Ron Paul will be back though, so I’m not worried, he is a great candidate.

Answer #10

I SUPPORT RON PAUL… He seems as if he has his head on straight and is a REAL AMERICAN!! IF all of us who are supporters of Ron Paul would just have hope and faith in him, and spread his word, post postings on myspace, funadvice, send out emails, and text messages, Try to find more supporters, followers and voters, maybe he would have a choice! Just because the WORLD is in a bad bad mess and is for some reason avoiding Ron Paul.. Probably because they know he is CORRECT in everything that he stands for!! But still.. Spread the word.. Get it out there.. Help the MAN out!!! GO RON PAUL!!!

Answer #11

I like him, but it’s hopeless.

Answer #12

I like him. . . . he would be a wise choice.

Answer #13

Hey where did my reply go?

Answer #14

Would be an excellent choice !

Answer #15

I’m not sure why you compare Reagan’s election to Ron Paul. In 1980 Reagan was the clear Republican favorite before the primaries even started. After he lost the Iowa caucus to Bush Sr his campaign really turned around and he pretty much steamrolled Bush and everyone else…and of course, eventually steamrolled Carter in the final election.

Ron Paul has, well, been steamrolled in all but a couple primaries. So far I think he’s got like 16 pledged delegates. Not exactly a good sign. Maybe in four years…

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