What should I do for my 18th birthday?

I have no clue what to do for my birthday. All I know is its going to be crazy …so can you please help me!!! thanksss

Answer #1

wow~~ we are almost in the same boot but hey, i guess you can hang out with your best friends at your favourite hangout. Avoid getting angry and meeting up with pipo you are not in good terms with. Or maybe, throw a big evening party at your hood and invite your close friends and hey! the party should have a lot of activities that teens love e.g spin the bottle, blind fold and dance with the person you catch(opposite sex) ofcourse. Just make it a day to remember coz being 18 is just marvellous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer #2

Get Drunk!!!…Just kidding, I really dont know LOL

Answer #3

Go Clubbing With Your Best Friends Or Have A Sleepover With Them, Pig Out, Watch Movies, Listen To Music Or You Could Go Shopping Somewhere You Haven’t Been Shopping Before Or Book A Hotel & Have A Massive Party With Your Friends. :)

Answer #4

um.. you could throw a big party for youu andd yourr mates .!. invite some boys so youu can all have a big laugh with them (; youu coulldd have a partyy (sleep ova) and play truth + dare.. ii am not sure hwat else youu can do. whyy dont youu go owt for the night with yourr matess + kinda get drunk lol. youu may try + make the most of it yourr only 18 once .!. hope ii was summ help (:

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