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16th birthday
one of my bestfriends just turned 16. I want to make her a present that will remind her of many memories she’s shared with myself, friends and family. I’ve made scrapbooks, and a book similar to the postsecret one. any ideas?
Picture collage in a frame would be great - might even include a short note personally - definitely would be cherished over the years !!
One thing my child’s godfather did for me (becuase I was moaning how I wont go out as much anymore), he bought a really big photo frame and filled it with LOADS if photos of times when me and all of our friends were out before I was pregnant and pics of my son and me and others on it. It was a REALLY nice thought so now everytime I go in my bedroom I see it =] I love it.
well for my bestfriend I went and bought her a blanket and I had my aunt put thing on it that reminded us of things we did and I got her a jewelry box with our names ingraved in it and I made a scrapboook for her
I got a picture collage like babybump described, and I loved it. you should do that.
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ok my 16th birthday is saturday its a costume party what should i go as?
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I lied about my birthday on this site, my birthday is really soon, what should I do? its a big one.
What should I do for my 16th birthday? - 2 Answers
what should I do for my 16th birthday all my friends are on holiday except 1 or 2 I really want to do something different bu...
What can I do for my 16th birthday? - 1 Answers
elo0 .. well its my 16th birthday soon and i was wondering what i could do for it .. any good ideas?
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What are some ideas for a 16th birthday party
What should I do for my 16th birthday? - 2 Answers
My 16th birthday is in less than a month and I have no idea what I should do for it. it's on a wednesday and 2 days before 4...
What should I do for my 16th birthday? - 3 Answers
what should i do for my 16th birthday? i want to rent a space somwhere but, dont want to spen a whole lot of money, any ideas?
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On my 16th Birthday (november 3) I am going with me and a buch orf friends to London and we are going to the London eye in th...
Ideas for 16th birthday? - 4 Answers
The thing is my parents don't let me party at home or anywhere. I told one of my friends that I'm just going to have a drink....
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