16 and broody

Hey y’all… Im 16 years old I know I am way way way too young to have a baby yet… But my sister is 20 and on her 3rd… I have done everything to try and put me off having kids yet… But nothing works… I am alwais looking after my now 4year old nephew, 2n half year old neice and my 1week old neice to try and put me off having them… I change nappies… Bath… Feed… Tidy up after them I do everything for them and nothing puts me off… What can I do?? Im desperate for a baby… And I have found the right man to have 1 with… My life is right for a baby now we have money, a house, everything but everyone keeps saying im way too young wich I can understand… I would not be another satistic as I would never claim benifits for my baby… My boyfriend of 2years has a stable and well payed job.. What do I do?? X

Answer #1

Personally, I think you should wait, And I know that will probobly sound obvious and cliche but I don’t think you fully understand what you would be getting into. And at the moment if I’m on or off the verge of being pregneant at fifteen, I wouldn’t be able to understand what I’m getting into either.

Besides that it would be so 1800s to be the stay-at-home, only-good-for-having-a-baby, cooking-and-cleaning, goody-two-shoes-wife [if You do get married to the father].

I just think you should wait because as you’ve seen with your sister that it’s a hard thing to deal with a baby, not that you’re “dealing with it” but you probobly know what I mean.

All I’m saying is that a baby can bring on come complications for someone at a certain time on their life and thinking about that might make you realize that you’re not ready, yet [at least].

Think it over some more.

Answer #2

What do you do? YOU WAIT TILL YOUR OLDER AND MARRIED TO HAVE A CHILD.. it is quite simple.. Just because you watch them does not mean you live with those kiddies? Having a child is way much more to someone than it looks, even if your boyfriend has a job, that is steady, what if? what if he loses it? what happens then? you ask mom for money? Ok.. so I would just slow down, and take what life throws and you, and right now you should be focused on your books, and studies, not having any children, anyways, one day the time will come to have a child, just not now.. anyways, good luck. :]

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