Is it okay for a 14-year-old girl to dress and dance sexy?

Answer #1

Whatever makes u happy. girl. just dont give the boys the wrong idea. u wanna make sure ur respected and not seen as a hm well u know a hoe

Answer #2

Do whatever you want in the privacy of your own home, but when you start dressing ‘sexy’ (slutty…) in public, people will start seeing you as a slut :/

Answer #3

yes its ok just don’t go farther and don’t let no one disrespect you cuz once you do there always going to do it so just take care of yourself and don’t allow things to get out of hand =]

Answer #4

Dressing erm…scantily can send a message to the people around you that it’s all you have to offer. A lot of guys won’t look further. It’s okay for you to dress the way you like, but to be honest, it can be a lot sexier to be covered up. It leaves a lot to the imagination, and it’s more of a surprise, I guess, when you’re actually old enough to be with someone and to let them see you. Just remember that the way you dress will attract a certain kind of guy. And the guys that chase after the girls that pretty much wear bikinis to school aren’t looking for a meaningful relationship. When they stare at your chest, they’re not looking for your heart :P As for dancing…it depends on what you mean. Because dancing can be sexy without shaking your bum in a guy’s face, and without rubbing up against each other. Half of the point of dancing is to preserve a culture, and the other half is pretty much a mating call, so don’t worry about being sexy when you dance, it’s already happening. The more you try to be sexy, the more likely you are to just look awkward.

Answer #5

if you want attention from 40+ mens, then, go for your life.

Answer #6

yes, if you feel comfortable dressing like that. but remember people will judge you (although they shouldn’t) the reality is they will. Take in to concideration what other people with think , you don’t have to listen to them or care what they think, dress the way you want to as long as you’re not doing because your friends or everyone else is doing it, do it because you want to and that’s what makes you feel comfortable. But keep in mind how people with precieve you and be careful not to send the wrong message.

Answer #7

Depends on where you it,if its in the street or public you might catch too much attention,but if you’re with one friend and your just dressing up or something its fine.Always ask your parents before you go out dressed provocatively.

Answer #8

its ok for a teenage girl to dress sexy, just be tastefull with it dresssexy, not slutty. and if u show off ur stomach cover ur booobs and legs if u want to show sum cleavage cover ur stomach and stuff like that. and as for dancing i personally dont c anything wrong with dancing sexy, its just dancing. just cuz u dance like that doesnt mean ur a slut or ur gonna go out and do every single person u know. dancing doesnt effect how sexual u are almost every one dances sexy because they just dont know how to dance, it always seems to b the pple who cant dance that are dancing sexy.

Answer #9

It’s only okay if it’s at homecoming.

Answer #10

Yeh ets Fine Psh my point of vieW xP just dont make it to obvious to where you look desperate, ef u know wutta mean. >.< dont wanna over -do make-up either. as for dancing, drop et lyke its Hot ~ Lmao Have Fun

Answer #11

If you want to dress sexy, then there’s a huge possibility that people will start calling you mean names. Forget them. It’s YOUR life, live it the way YOU want to(:

Answer #12

to me, a 14 year old girl isn’t going to come off as ‘sexy’. she’s just going to appear trampy. stick to what works for your age.

Answer #13

No, it’s never okay to act and dress like a tramp. I have a big word for you that sums that all up: TEASE.

Answer #14

Well I think that depends. To what degree of sexiness is she dressing and dancing?? I mean, if she’s rubbing up all over guys and stuff, I’d say naughty, naughty, but you can dress and dance “sexy” without necessarily being too promiscuous.

Answer #15

I agree with Renee, if it’s in privacy i think it’s alright just don’t get too carried away or yeah people will think the wrong thing

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