Does he like me?

Ok.. So i’m almost 17 and i’ve recently started to like a guy thats in one of my classes at school. We’re both in wood shop class and he has helped me out a lot with my project. Ever since him and i have finished building our stuff, we have been fooling around with a couple other friends and talking and what not. His friend is really crazy and weird so he makes a lot of jokes.. i find them kind of funny and i notice that when i laugh and look at the guy i like, he’s looking right back at me. So this makes me wonder how long he had been looking at me. He does tend to look at me the most when he is telling everyone something.. And he tries to be funny (and he is!) thats the main reason i like him. The other day when we were all talking about stuff he said that he was surprised by my response to the topics. He said “i thought you were just a sweet and kind of innocent girl, i’m surprised” .. So i guess my question is, what should i do with him? Do you think he kind of likes me as well? And if so, do you have any suggestions as to how i could approach him about it. Also, you should know that i am a somewhat shy and reserved person but once i open up i become awkward and outgoing. So ya, i would really appriciate it if i got some help with this situation!

Answer #1

He could be checking you out, or he could just be a really friendly guy. :3 The only way you’re going to know is if you ask him directly yourself over maybe lunch or a walk. Maybe through texting, maybe pull the ‘my friend is unsure about a guy…she doesn’t know whether he is being really friendly or…’ though it’s slightly obvious some people are actually oblivious you’re talking about the situation you two have.

You could pour out your feelings to him first, to see if he’ll open up or not. If you two still aren’t that close, try warming up to him a little more before going in for the big question.

Hope everything works out. :)

Answer #2

Thanks so much for the advice! I dont think we’re close enough for me to tell him how i feel yet.. so i think i’ll just try to get a little closer to him for now. But yaa, thank you ((:

Answer #3

I’d let him approach you first. A girl being too forward may be sending the wrong signal. If a boy isn’t willing to go after what he wants, which requires work, then he’s probably not going to be willing to work to keep the relationship, either. And people who get things too easily seem not to appreciate them. So if you want him to eventually walk all over you, then jump his bones. We girls are only too willing to do all of the work in a relationship. The truth is that we need to let the guys do some of it, too. There are too many ways for boys to interpret why girls are chasing them, and none of those interpretations are good.

Answer #4

Wow. Thanks so much. This really helped. I was planning on maybe asking him to hangout sometime.. but now i think i’ll just keep cool for a little while longer. All those things about men that you explained seem really accurate. Especially since him and i are fairly young still. Thank you!

Answer #5

I also had a similar situation like this with a girl i like. With being a guy i can say he forsure likes you. Since you like him ask him out or tell him how you feel. Us guys want nothing more than for a girl to tell us first she likes him.

Answer #6

Well thank you haha.. But are you sure he could still like me even if we haven’t texted or talked outside of school before?

Answer #7

Now that i know that info. does he have your number do u have his? if so have YOU ever sent him a message or asked him at school if he would like to hangout or grab some food? If he is like me at all, he is probally Shy and nervous to talk to you outside of a “safe zone” which would be school. it is still probally likely that he does like you. I hope he does like you.

Answer #8

Weeell i was too scared to ask for his number before winter break :p So no we dont have each others number. The only wat we can contact each other now is through facebook. But im afraid he would find that creepy or weird if i randomly messaged him. And i think that safr zone thing applies to me as well haha. I dont think he’s too shy. Cause he seems to talk to a lot of people. As for me, i’m almost as shy as people can get. But thank you, i hope he likes me too!

Answer #9

When I was in high school I was a very out going guy. I played sports, I was in the band, I started a chess club, lots of social things, but I could never talk to girls I liked. I didn’t have a girlfriend untell i was 16 and after we started dating i was still (am still) very shy about a lot of things even with my wife. But my advice would be to start out by hanging out at school things outside of school like games and that sort of thing. Then he might start to see you as a safe zone and open up more thats how my wife and i started out.

Answer #10

Well thanks for that point of view! I never thought that a guy could still be a bit nervous about things with their wife. But I’m glad i know that now. I’ll try to hangout with him more at school and then see where it goes from there. Thanks again!

Answer #11

i am so sorry that i have not said anything back to you. i would not find it creepy if i got a message from a girl on facebook saying something. i suggest saying something like did you have a good christmas or how has the new year been. something like that. i truly hope you and this guy end up being together :)

Answer #12

No worries! I will definitely try doing that. And thaaanks, i hope so too (:

Answer #13

No worries! I will definitely try doing that. And thaaanks, i hope so too (:

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