What exactly constitutes cheating in a marriage?

I’ve been married 9 years, with my wife for 10. We have always had a very honest relationship and I am quite confident with myself and my life, so I never have had a problem with her talking with other guys. She is quite social and befriends lots of people, including other men. She normally finds out quickly what guys are about and realizes their intentions and it’s over. She will talk a lot with my friends and I have no worry. Last month she met a guy at work and became pretty good friends with him. I’ve met him a couple times and he is cool with me and seems like a good guy. I don’t get any weird feeling from him and I am sure nothing physical has ever happened between them, however I’ve noticed they text 40-50 times a day, sometimes until 3-4 in the morning. She has been staying out at night after work a lot, and talking with him every time. We have been struggling lately and she is obviously finding solitude with him. So would you consider it cheating if she is personally connecting and confiding in a man that is not her husband? And should I be ok with them hanging out together while I’m not around?

Answer #1

Have you tried telling her how you feel about it

Answer #2

In my opinion, i would be highly upset if my boyfriend did any of that with another girl. I think its fine to have friends of the opposite sex, but texting until 4am? That’s a big no for me. If she has emotional feelings for this guy, then i would consider it cheating. Its obviously putting a strain on your marriage. I suggest you sit down and discuss your options with her.

Answer #3

I don’t know if it’s cheating, it sounds close to it though. You need to tell her that he’s making you uncomfortable, and if she makes a fuss about it you need to rethink the marriage. It’s not fair for either of you and it will be a very miserable ride.

Answer #4

Of Course I did, I even called this guy. When she first met him she asked if he could come to a party we were at. She had no issue with me knowing him and just last weekend we were having lunch with our kids, at a marina by our house and she asked if he could come have lunch with us because he had his daughter, this was before I found out about how often they talk. I had no problem, so he came out, we all hung out by the water while the kids played. He wanted to get to know me and seemed really cool towards me. They both swear they are just friends and nothing is going on. They both have trouble sleeping at night and it gives them someone to talk to…. I told her it is really weird and it bugs me, she said she is very sorry but it really helps for her to talk to him. I told him I don’t like it, he said he never Ment for it to cause issue and he would respect my feelings and not talk with her any more. If I tell him to leave her alone then I’m going to look like a jerk in her eyes… Would I really be making a mistake by trying to know this dude and let them keep talking like that? I feel like she is talking to him about all the day to day things she deals with that she should be talking to me about. So I feel cheated.

Answer #5

He seems pretty cool, I think maybe you should try and get to know him. You should speak with your wife about how often she texts and speaks with him. I think she should also be speaking with you about day to day things, maybe she just likes the new conversation. But as you said yourself she will ditch people with the wrong intentions and that’s a good thing. You could explain to her how it makes you feel cheated and what could you guys do together to stop that feeling

Answer #6

I would feel the same way you’re feeling. In my opinion, she isn’t cheating, but she is crossing some lines that could lead to it… Talk to your wife about it more and tell her it makes you feel uncomfortable. Seek some counseling maybe?

Answer #7

“We have been struggling lately and she is obviously finding solitude with him.” yg

This is the only hint you give about what else is going on between you and your wife, but with no information about the nature of the difficult. Yes, her new friendship in the form it has been developing poses a risk to your marriage, but it is also likely a symptom of the greater risk already posed by what is (or is not) happening between you and your wife. That is where your attention should primarily be focused. Are you as reticent with her as you have been with us about your struggles?

Answer #8

Communicate…..we must ensure we each work ‘towards’ working out any problems rather than another 3rd party unless it’s a professional counselor….training, experience, impartiality…..

Answer #9

Cheating would be doing anything you would (or could) do with your partner such as holding hands, texing (or “sexting”, texing with sexual content, sometimes explicit) kissing, making out, or@l sex, v@ginal or an@l sex etc. Religiously most faiths would agree that doing any of these things with or to anyone who is not your husband or wife is forbidden as it is adultery but legally (I can only speak for UK) adultery is not illegal. But really what cheating is really is up to what you think; some couples are very strict and think flirting or thinking about other people is cheating, others are more flexible and think any sexual act with others is fine making the relationship polygamous. Some have limits such as you can kiss other people but nothing else. You sound like a pretty monogamous guy so I suggest sitting down with her and talking about it, telling her what you would consider to be cheating so she understands you. If you feel he’s consoling her when you should just ask her how things are every so often and try to open up the communication a little more and if something is going on she’d be more likely to confide in you. Don’t try to make a massive deal out of it, just little things at a time.

Answer #10

She is getting very close to cheating. Too close for comfort.

Answer #11

as soon as your hiding things from your wife your already there

Answer #12

as soon as your hiding things from your wife your already there

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