How do I convince my parents to let me dance?

My mom just met my teacher today and he said that my grades are falling down. when she got home she yelled at me and said that she cant allowed me to dance anymore but if i can prove her that i can raise my grade again, she’ll let me. oh and she said grade first hobbies second but dance isn’t just a hobby for me. so how do i convince her? and btw excuse my english. english isnt my first language, if you get what i mean.

Answer #1

Raise your grades. It’s plain and simple.

Answer #2

but that means i cant dance until i raise it, it’s like 6 months until i can change and see my report card again. i mean i still wanna dance in that 6 months.

Answer #3

I agree with Will. Its your passion, (or I’m assuming it is atleast) so you have to do what it takes to be able to do it. Bargain with her. Express how strongly you feel about dancing. That it isn’t merely a hobby for you but its your passion. Tell her that removing everything else in your life won’t divert your focus on your study. It’ll just make things more difficult She thinks is you’re a kid, and she’s teaching you a lesson in prioritizing. She is using parental tactics: taking away something you love in order to persuade you to do better in something you need. What you need to do is to make it clear that you are fully aware of the importance of your education, and that you know that it comes first.

Answer #4

Then keep working on your grades and practice dance without your mom knowing.

Answer #5

it depend on wht kind of dance some parents dont like certin dance types just ask and tell them tht u reallly want to take dance and just help out aroung the house tht might help convince them.

Answer #6

Spend 30 minutes studying each morning, after you get home spend the next 30-60 minutes doing all your homework and continue to study, after doing your academics for that allotted line of time, then do whatever the heck you want.

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