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5 weeks ago.
Uh 5 weeks ago?
Ummmm looks to me like 5 weeks ago
My calculations say about 7 years ago. Congradulations.
5/10/12 10:36pm
I think doctors tell how far along a person is by how the fetus is, how grown they are. I dont think that they can figure out the exact day you concieved the baby.
Wow lol… I see a lot of howling laughter and leg-slapping here but this is actually a very good question. Generally if you’re labelled as being 5 weeks pregnant, you are in fact, really only 3 weeks pregnant.
Here’s why. Typically you ovulate on Day 15 of your cycle. If you have sex on that day or within that week, and you get pregnant, you will miss the period that was supposed to arrive on Day 28. Then you go to the doc on day 35 and it’s confirmed that you’re pregnant. To calculate how far along you are, you are asked for the FIRST DAY of your LAST PERIOD. You say, “Day One” (whatever date that was) and the doctor calculate from Day One until now and gets 5 weeks.
This accounts for the 2 week difference - a pregnancy is said to last 40 weeks but it’s only 38, really. It’s just that extra two weeks before the egg came, for some reason, is always counted.
With my last child he was born at 43 weeks how ever was ai 43 weeks pregnant they thought so but then when he was born there was no signs that he was Post due so then they concluded they must of been wrong however some women carry past 40 weeks all the time I no a mother with seven kids all born between 40 and 44 weeks all healthy as well. And no she did not induce of have a c-section. You could be any were from 3 weeks to 7 weeks
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