What is your opinion on Elton John and his partner David having a baby?

Answer #1

Couldn’t care any less. I mean it’s nice that they are having a child. I just don’t think it’s such a big deal it should be a topic of discussion. They’re getting a baby one way or another. It’s life get over it.

Answer #2

I don’t see a problem with it. Leaving wealth aside, they have as much chance of being as good or poor parents as anybody else. If they can provide a child with a stable family environment then it’s not a bad thing.

Answer #3

Color me old-fashioned but I believe a little one needs a father and a mother….both perspectives in their formative years….

Answer #4

I agree

Answer #5

They’ll make amazing parents, doesn’t matter that it’s a same sex couple they’ll care and love that child just as much or even more than a man and a woman. As long as they can provide that child with the basics in life and teaches that kid to strive for the best and live his dreams out then I have no problem with it.

Answer #6

As long as the parents can parent, that’s all that matters. You can only hope for a good childhood.

Answer #7

I think it’s great! They seem like excellent parents, and I think it’s great that he waited until he was truly ready to be a parent.

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