What's the worst thing your pet has done?

Answer #1

My old cat scruffy- gave me stitches and a couple scars.

My cat coco- nothing. :)

my cat bertuzzi- took a crap right below the couch ( i was sleeping on the couch, lovely to wake up to and step in)

my dog princess- shes just overall annoying but probably pee on me. She had this excitement problem where anything remotley exciting would happen shed pee, and we were in the car once and she just peed all over me -_- And also she eats me and my sisters underwear, along with razors and toothbrushes. >.>

my dog matilda- humped my cat.

my bunny- humped my dog o.o

my other cat- brings in presents from outside.

Overall nothing too bad.

Answer #2

How did your cat give you stitches? What did he/she do the cause you to need stitches? :/

My dog brought in presents, it grossed my mom out to the point where she was crying.

Answer #3

Dang :\ And well she was quite the dorky cat lol, she would hide behind something (totally not noticable ;p) and stare at your feet, then dart up and attack them. Like a sneek attack on your feet :L But one time i tripped over her and i fell on the floor, and my arm ended up stabbing into the corner of the metal wall heater. so I got up but didnt notice it at first, didnt feel a thing and there was no blood but i felt a bit of an ache ofter 2 mins and looked at my arm to find it looking like ground hamburger coming out of my arm.

Answer #4

lovely, i know lol.

Answer #5

My guinea pig peed all over our love seat. My mom was sooo mad

Answer #6

My cat bites peoples wades. When he is angry or when his bowl is empty. And he pukes on the carpet. :(

Answer #7

My cat chased my dog up a tree once

Answer #8

Just the other day my cat pooped right on my new shirt and i was goin to wear it but grabbed it and got poo all over my hands :/ then threw up. Yea he didnt like his new kitty litter. wants that fancy pine stuff that cost 17$ a bag

Answer #9

When I had a guinea pig he lived in a really large bird cage against the wall. Like 3 months after having the cage in that spot, I decided I wanted to move him outside. When I moved the cage, there was a huge hole in the wall. The guinea pig ate out a hole like 4 inches into the wall. Ahaha

Answer #10


Answer #11

My ex bfs cat pulled out his nipple ring, luls.

Answer #12

My dog chewed up EVERYTHING when he was a puppy (naturally). I remember getting back from a family trip to Italy, where I had gotten brand new sunglasses that were really cute. It was hands down my my favorite souvenir from the entire trip. I left it on the kitchen table, and then later found it on the floor completely chewed up haha, I was so mad.

Answer #13

Jumped on the kitchen table and ate my BLT while I was going to wash my hands :(

Answer #14

Duuude you got some pets with character xD cracked me up!

Answer #15

I had a pure bred collie that was the runt and had something wrong with is digestive track. He used to wolf down his food, then throw it up 15-20mins later, then eat it again. Very disgusting, especially when he did it a night and you stepped in it in the dark….. He wasn’t allowed to come inside much.

Answer #16

My dog peed all over our bed and blankets

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