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How would you rate the following people?

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It's a long story, so bear with me.

There are 5 people on a yacht around some islands. There is a sailor who is the captain of the boat. There is an old man. Then there is a couple who are engaged. So a guy and a girl. Then there is the best friend of the guy who is engaged.

One night there is a storm and the yacht hits something and starts to sink. There are two life-rafts and all the people get into the life-rafts. The guy and his friend managed to get into the one raft. The girl, the sailor and the old man are in the other raft. As the storm rages on the two rafts cannot stay together and the two groups are split from each other. As the night continues they are at the mercy of the storm and each of them get shipwrecked on different islands. These islands are within site of each other so both groups can see that the other boat is on that island, but the islands are too far apart to swim from the one to the other.

Also during the storm, the raft of the sailor and company broke, so they cannot use it to get to the other island to get to the others. Now the girl obviously wants to get to her fiance and asks the sailor if he can repair the raft so that can go to the other island. The sailor responds that he will fix the boat, but one condition. She must sleep with him!

Now the girl is very confused, she doesn't want to sleep with him, but she wants the boat to be fixed to go and see her fiance. So she goes and asks advice from the old man. He says to her that she must do what she feels is right in her heart.

She then thinks very hard about the situation and after a while she decides that she must go and to the other island at all costs, so she agrees to sleep with the sailor. He stays true to his word and after they have done the deed, he repairs the raft and she goes across to the other island. When she gets there she tells her boyfriend exactly what she did in order to get to him. He is furious and breaks up with her on the spot and refuses to ever speak to her again.

She is in tears and in her vulnerable state the best friend starts to move in and tries to comfort her and a bit more...

Now for the actual question, how would you rate these persons in terms of the situation. Rate them from 1 to 5, with each person having a different rating. One is the person who you feel handled the situation in the worst way and 5 is the person you feel handled the situation in the best way. Also give reasons for your rating and why you feel one person handled it better than another person.