Whos parents actually filled out and kept their babybooks and did you appreciate it?

My mother only filled out the first month and never put any pictures…i was disapointed when i found it as a teen. With my son i made it a goal to fill everything out as he grew and took the time to actually add pictures, mementos, the hospital bracelets, etc. Im also going to do the same for this baby.

Answer #1

My parents filled out my sisters…mine was rather unfinished and it ended up staying in British Columbia when I moved from there back to Ontario.

Answer #2

What’s a baby book? O.o

Answer #3

My parents never filled out baby books for me or my brother. They were young parents, didn’t really know how to go about doing anything, so I don’t blame them. My mom did save a ton of my clothes. My first dress, favorite blanket, etc. which I do appreciate. I wish they would have done a book.. they don’t have many pictures of me when I was little :)

Answer #4

I have one, sort of. It’s got my weight and stuff in it, and a lock from my first hair cut. But no photos, which is okay because I have albums of pics anyway. I think baby books are a fabulous idea. You know what you should do- Get the top 20 songs in the world off the radio count down when your baby is born and burn them to a CD to play at his/her 18th!

Answer #5

I never even had a baby book.

Answer #6

I had one. I look at it sometimes cuz it makes me laugh :)

Answer #7

my parents got devorced and so I think that kind of messed things up a bit…that and they lost a lot of photos in a fire too which was a bummer for me.

I am now married with a three months old daughter….and I have taken a ton of pictures and my husband and I are working on a scrap book. We both wish we had more photos of us when we were little so that we can show our daughter some day, and the grandkids we will mostly have.

we are also doing a book for her. Hope she likes it

Answer #8

Mine did and I definiely appreciated it. I love to go back and look at it, meet people I wont meet in real life, and look at how cute I was lol. But I really am glad they did it, and I think Im the only kid they did it for, so Im extra grateful :)

Answer #9

My parents kept photo albums and report cards, etc. I enjoyed then and enjoy them now.

Answer #10

My parents didnt but I have my plunket book which I love! My plunket nurse loved me and filled it in with a lot of detail which I think is really sweet. Plunket is a New Zealand society which provides healthcare to babies.

Answer #11

yes my parents filled out all mine and my brothers (4) i love it cause they were excited young paretns and i was there preciouse angle they kept everything fav pacsey and blanket first pic and the blanket they brought me home in

Answer #12

I am the youngest of three kids my brother and sister have full books of pictures pieces of hair foot prints report cards mine only has my name in it…lol

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