Why do I need to pee, but I just did?

Probably a bit too much info for all of you that know me, but whatever… I’ll pee, then like 2 minutes later I need to go again. It’s only lately and I don’t know why!

Answer #1

hmm ok

Answer #2

is it at all uncomfortable or painful? And do you actually have to pee or do you just feel like you need to? If so, it may be a urinary tract infection.

Answer #3

Incontince? UTI?

Answer #4


Answer #5

Nope, I just feel like I need to but I actually don’t need to. No pain. Just annoying. And seemingly only in the evenings, like after 3pm.

Answer #6

Don’t think so..

Answer #7

It may pay to see a doctor about a possible UTI. I have had them where its not actually painful to start with, just annoying as hell, and then later it got painful

Answer #8

am I going crazy or did your photo just change?

Answer #9

Okay I’ll see if it goes away, and if it doesn’t I’ll go to a doctor. How can you get a UTI? Like, what have I done to get one if I do have one? And yeah I just changed y profile pic haha

Answer #10

hmmm this may sound a bit yuck. The bacteria that causes it is an opportunistic pathogen - pretty much it lives inside you quite happily most of the time, however, if it gets in the wrong place, it causes an infection. Mostly likely cause is it came from somehere like your butt… Women get them more commonly due to our shorter urinary tract. Things like not wiping from front to back, or not peeing just after sex can cause the bacteria to get in

Answer #11

O_o very enlightening Danielle :)

Answer #12

I think thats the ickiest thing I have ever said on funadvice!

Answer #13

lol, join the club :P

Answer #14

it cant be helped, sometimes life is just icky

Answer #15

you should go and check your diabetes

Answer #16

UTI’s are HELL. :(

Answer #17

I just recently cured my UTI. My first symptom was having to constantly pee. Even if I didn’t need to pee the urge would still be there. Then I started having a lot of pain. Make sure if it continues or becomes painful that you go to a doctor.

Answer #18

& I got my UTI from taking more baths than showers.

Answer #19

IT’S ALL GOOD GUYS! Turns out I had just been drinking more water than usual :/

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