What is a good excuse for my bestfriend?

Okay so my best friend introduced me to this guy and we chilled for a day and then we added him on facebook, then me and this guy got to talking about alot of things and he was wondering why she was acting all cranky and angry at him and i told him its just girl stuff and he insisted on knowing more so i told him it was because of her period and he just completly took that a weird way and he doesnt want to talk to her anymore but also because I vent to him about her and the dymb things she does so he knows alot of her bad side and just stopped talking to her and now she really wants to know why and I can’t just tell her I was talking about her and he doesn’t like her because I want to keep him as a friend so I need a good excuse to tell her.

Answer #1

Wow, talk about being a bad friend. You went behind her back and said bad things about her to this guy…did you think it made you look cool? Tell her the truth and deal with the consequences…if she doesnt want to be your friend after this i dont blame her.

Answer #2

But I was only talking about her because she was the one being a bad friend, I would’ve talked to her about it but It’s just about the way she’d handle it. Plus I didn’t say anything that bad about her the guy that’s in all this is just weird for not wanting to talk to her after the first thing being so dumb.

Answer #3

i agree with mandy, you should tell her the truth. and maybe say reallyy nice things about her to him….?

Answer #4

i agree with mandy. how would you feel if she did that to you?

Answer #5

Friends should come first.. maybe you really should have talked to her instead of venting to the guy SHE introduced you to. Now you have ruined his perspective of her. You need to just tell her that she was doing things that were annoying you, and instead of being a big person and talking to her about it, you went behind her back and told her friend.. like Mandy said, if she doesn’t want to be your friend, that’s honestly your fault.

Answer #6

Honestly, in most regular friendships this does occur. Its a way to vent without blowing everything way out of proportion. With me and my friends it normal, we vent about each other and we know what is said to each other because we tell each other what we say. I guess you could say me and my friends have open-realationships because we do not get mad at each other for it. It would almost be wierd to think a healthy friendship exists because there are somethings that just get under your skin about each other. Its better to vent to someone else and keep your friendship versus steaming off at your friend, saying things you really dont mean, and then ending what could or is a great friendship….but everyone doesn’t have the kind of friendship me and my friends have… and yes i do know how wrong this all sounds but i love my friends and i dont want to keep in bottled steam for the little things they do…just set the record straight to your friend and tell her what you said even if its partial, and be gentle cause like i said, not all friendships are like the ones i have

Answer #7

Deal with it. Maybe if you go through this now, you will think twice about being such a bad friend in the future.

Answer #8

honestly you shouldn’t have to make excuses to your best friend, if she really is your best friend you need to be straight up with her. Your being a bad friend by lying.

Answer #9

its okay what youve done isnt that bad dude. tell her! anyways your relationship is worth a lot more than one guy (: x

Answer #10

i also agree with mandy

Answer #11

Sigh, think of your priorities. What do you think the guy will think of you if she starts telling him that you’re the antagonist in this friendship triangle? He probably won’t talk to you anymore. Tell your friend exactly what’s up. Tell the guy to good sides about your friend first though. It’ll help a lot.

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