Do you think two people with different religions would work out, and be able to spend the rest of their lives together?

Why, or why not?

Answer #1

Yes, but only if they can learn to respect each other’s beliefs. My hubby and I have differing beliefs and we’re both totally cool with that.

Answer #2

Haha, I sure hope so seeing as I’ve never really met a guy my age with the same religion XP It’s totally possible as long as both people are okay with it and respect eash other.

Answer #3

yea i don’t see why not. as long as you respect each other’s beliefs even if you may disagree on certain things it can work.

Answer #4

Oh really? I always assumed he was a Buddhist as well, what religion is he?

Answer #5

He was raised Christian, but he doesn’t practice it

Answer #6

Ahh, I see. Well, that’s great that you two have different beliefs and can still get along, and be together. :)

Answer #7

yea. my one friend, his mom is buddist and his dad is catholic.

Answer #8

I think so. If they treat each other which respect, then they should be able to. And if they dont respect each other, they shouldnt be together, even if they have the same beliefs.

Answer #9

Yes, its possible. My fiance is a Christian and i am an athiest. If both people in the relationship are respectful and considerate of the others beliefs then it can work. There was a few discussions about religion when we first met, and we both agreed that religion is personal choice and matter. Weve had the discussion about how we would raise our children and both agree that they will have their own choice of what they want to follow and we will support them either way. If my son wanted to go to church one day, i would gladly bring him so he can learn and make his own decision about it also.

Answer #10

It depends on how important religion is in the person’s life and what sort of meaning the person ascribes their religion. I know people who would never marry people who didnt share the same faith as them. It was that important to them. I think this would be a conservative minority though. I would think extreme political differences would be harder to overcome.

Answer #11

Yep. I’m Wiccan/witch [whichever you prefer, just not the sterotypical, broom kind x] ] and my girlfriend is Christian and we’re just fine :]

People should love you for you and not let beliefs get in the way :]

Answer #12

yes ! its possible .

Answer #13

ever heard of Romeo and Juliet

Answer #14

My mother and father have been together for almost fifteen years. He’s Catholic, my mom is agnostic and they have pretty good understanding and they seem very right for each other in every other aspect. I’d say so.

Answer #15

It really depends on how religious you are and if you can respect the other’s religion, and the most important thing is, if you plan to have kids, what religion would the children be? It makes it very confusing for the children….

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