Why are there 10,000,000 people in World of Warcraft?

Answer #1

The word spreads…

Answer #2

Because we seek escape, In any form.

Answer #3

Because some poor people make several dozen parallel accounts and play WOW until their characters are rich or high level. And then they sell those Items, game-money and high-level chars for real money on e-bay. And there are freaks who actually pay for that.

Answer #4

because in the past couple of years or so there has been a huge rise in interest in fantasy (harry potter, skyrim etc) so a lot of people who a couple years ago laughed it are now joining it, i actually know a few people like that.

Answer #5

NO BECAUSE CHUCK NORRIS LETS THEM!! lol am i the only one that has seen that commercial?

Answer #6

Some people have no life!

Answer #7

Some people have no life!

Answer #8

Some people have no life!

Answer #9

Dude is that game bigger than that runescape? I know a lot of people that play that game

Answer #10

Cause It’s Awesome

Answer #11

…I play World of Warcraft and I have a life! Just because people play video games don’t make them losers.

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