
Wallarm automatiza la protección en tiempo real de aplicaciones y pruebas de seguridad para APIs, aplicaciones y microservicios en entornos multi-nube y K8s.

About Wallarm

Who we are

At Wallarm, we are a leading provider of integrated application and API security solutions. Our platform automates real-time protection and security testing for APIs, applications, and microservices across multi-cloud and Kubernetes environments. With a focus on advanced API security, cloud-native WAAP, and API attack surface management, we help organizations stay ahead of evolving threats in today’s digital era.

What we Do

Our advanced API security solutions offer comprehensive protection against OWASP API Security Top-10 risks and other advanced API threats. We provide visibility into your API estate, detection and remediation of vulnerabilities, and protection of sensitive data. Additionally, our cloud-native WAAP offering delivers next-gen web application and API protection against OWASP Top-10 risks, with unified protection to combat emerging threats and eliminate false positives.

Furthermore, our API attack surface management service ensures oversight and protection against API-based attacks, safeguarding your digital assets from constantly changing threats. With integrations and platforms that enable full blocking mode protection in just 15 minutes, we are a trusted leader in API security and WAAP, with over 20,000 applications protected by our solutions.

Why you should use us

When it comes to securing your APIs and applications, Wallarm is the trusted partner you need. Our proven track record in the industry, combined with our innovative technology and quick deployment capabilities, make us the go-to choice for organizations looking to enhance their security posture. With our end-to-end approach to discovering, protecting, and testing exposed and internal apps and APIs in cloud-native environments, we provide the comprehensive security solutions you need to stay compliant and secure.

What can you ask?

  • How does Wallarm’s platform automate real-time application protection?
  • What sets Wallarm apart in terms of advanced API security solutions?
  • How quickly can organizations deploy Wallarm’s cloud-native WAAP offering?
  • What integrations and platforms does Wallarm support for seamless security implementation?
  • How does Wallarm ensure comprehensive oversight and management of API-based attacks?
  • Can Wallarm customize its solutions to meet the specific security needs of different organizations?

By choosing Wallarm as your trusted partner for integrated application and API security, you are investing in cutting-edge technology, proven expertise, and a commitment to keeping your digital assets safe from evolving threats. Contact us today to learn more about how Wallarm can help secure your APIs and applications with our industry-leading solutions.

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