What does love mean to u???

What’s love to u? Why do people think love is easy? What do you all think???

Answer #1

love is when 2 people share something special that no-one else feels 4 you. and where you can tell that 1 person anything in the entire world that you couldn’t tell anyone else, the simple words “I love you” I don’t think love is easy but its not incredibly hard either, easy isn’t the right word. some people are lucky and just bind with their other half but some are not lucky and they have a few difficulties. thats what love meens 2 me. how cheesy!

Answer #2

Love to me, means when two people share emotions, feelings, ect with one another. People might have different interpretations on what love is, and so forth. Love to me is also giving your heart to someone special in your life and that includes, caring for the person, protecting, and being there for one another. Its like, being in love with someone such as a partner, or a close friend to whom you can love in a different way, or family. Sometimes love isn’t easy since you also have to get to know the person before you start loving them. Also, trust has to be there. You can be passionate towards the person as well. Love can have many meanings. This is my meaning.

Answer #3

What love is to me - its pure - I dont think love is easy - its hard - Because All them insercuretys - and sometimes the love isnt returned and thats the most horriable thing in the world! where you love someone no matter what and they dont love you back ! xD love me to - it Sometimes Can be hard - I think love is where you like some-0one no matter what, and your prepared to give up anything for this person- and bascially your world revolse around them first, before anything else - it were they make you feel good in your self, and how they make you happy by not doing a thing, and how much you care for that person ECT -

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