Im bored

Can somebody tell me a true creepy scary paranormal story? :)

Answer #1

OMG RERO!! DId that really happend??? Sooo freakyy crazy… ooo

Answer #2

Look up youtube videos, my brother has a funny one

Answer #3

look up creepy storys online

Answer #4

aw but I already did that hahaha…

Answer #5

a few years ago I had a bad bad drea,,… a cousin of mine that I hardly care for was in my dream. I had a dream that my sis and I were at the hospital and he was recovering… in my dream he had overdosed on drugs and was recovering by the time we got there…

in real life… I woke up, told my sis that I had a dream that “Billy (not real name)” was in the hosptial cause he overdosed… she said… wow, you hate him that much? That moment, we got a phone call from a hospital in Northern Calofornia, that “billy” was in a coma from drugs… crazy huh?

Answer #6

well I was about 7 or 8 when this happened to me.

My friends and I was playing hide and go seek in my friend Kay’s (not the real name) house. We were playing upstairs in the house. So I was the choosen one to look for them. Up to 10 I started peaking around things. Then I saw a shadow walked across me, so I followed. I got Kay’s sister’s room then I saw the shadow from the wall that it went under the bed. I jumped on the bed and glanced. I then saw a head shadow went all the way under the bed, so I followed my head and I found no one under. I was so freaked out that I yelled for my friends. When I told them about it, they thought I was just playing that it was my imagination. Then I told my friend other friend Kat (not real name) to look for us, then 3 mins later she yelled for our names and she told us, that she saw the same thing that I saw. We were all freaked out that we left the house all hugging eachother.

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