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how do I convince them?!?!?
how do I convince my parents to let me keep my cousins two pet rats? my cousin doesent feed them and they are in a cage that is the size for one hamster… I have 4 mice(ones prego and im getting 2 more this weekend..), 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 guinea pig, 9 fish, and a hermit crab. I take care of all of those pets every single day. I clean there cages, I feed them. I water them. I hold them and give them attention… how do convince them?!?!
maybe thats exactly why they dont want you to have them… all you need is a partridge in a pear tree! if they said no, they mean no. dont fight them on it
first off if its just you taking care of all the pets, I would say you have a lot alreday buy if your cousin isnt feeding the rats or is keeping them in a small cramped cage, this is extreemly cruel if he doesnt mind you taking them I would say take them as im sure taking care of another 2 rats on top of the snimals you alreday car for wouldnt be too much to handle just tell your mum your responsible, you know how to care for therm, and you have the time to do it and that there not being fed and cared for properly were they are now
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What are some good ways to convince my parents to let me get snake bites! They aren't too strict and they are open minded :]
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sooo whqats the best way to persuay my parents to give me a ride wherever i want when i want need advice help plz
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I want to go visit my grandmother in washington for thanksgiving , I have fear of flying , so I wanted to take a train up to ...
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Parents & Family
Parenting, Marriage, Childcare