How can I clean myself of extacy?

I love E pills I’ve bin taking them all week. Somtimes even 3 or 4 a day and I smoke weed at the same time but I have court in 2 weekz. How do I clean my system of extacy??? Can I use the same methods as like I do for weed???

Answer #1

the only way is time

Answer #2

When you buy ecstacy in large amounts it’s cheaper I used to get it 2 dollars a pop or for free so no you dont need to be rich to be getting it. Problem though is it really does mess with your body I never thought about it much when I was doing it but after I quit I really noticed the toll it took on my body. My brain just feels not all there I guess you could say, I was doing them at least 5 pills a day everyday for months. But With your situation I’d be more worried about the weed being in your system but ecstacy pills are so sketch and cut with weird things you never know what your getting so it could be longer then expected for it to leave your system, I’d say either dont do drugs when you have court or dont do them period.

Answer #3

Wow, you take 3 to 4 E pills a day, omg, you must certainly either have a good job or you have money in your family.

Usually detoxing, particularly the lemon detox which will flush all the crap out of your system would do the trick if you are only a recreational E popper. In your case, you are more then a recreational user, I would say a hardcore pink pill user so the detoxifying method may not even work at all.

With weed, the lemon detox should work, but you many think hard and long about using weed regularly as it’s more harmful in the long term then E pills. That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong but 1 ecstasy every now and then from a good batch shouldn’t be an end all. By the way, why in the world would you smoke weed and pop Es when you have a court appearance due in 2 weeks time, geez. !!

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