Deadly Sister...

OK so my little sister is absolutly crazy. So will come at you with a knife and she is only 10 years old. THe littlest things set her off. I dont know what to do about her. She is so bad that I wont even let my friends or boyfriend comeonver to my house. SHe is totaly CRAZY. What should I do.

Answer #1

She sounds like she needs therapy. You guys don’t constantly pick on her, right? Because it’s incredibly difficult to be picked on and picked AT when you’re the little one. The pressure to not irritate you guys, or set you off may have gotten to her. She probably has picked up that ‘adorable’ little knife weilding trick from tv, and as it has gotten results, feels it’s a great way to get you guys to back off. Kids have breaking points- and at ten she’s of that age where you start to feel you deserve more respect and independence than you actually do. (not that she doesn’t deserve respect at all…)

Try talking to her calmly. Invite her up to your room for a sit down sister to sister chat and ask her why she’s so angry. Ask her why she thinks it’s ok to threaten your life with a knife. Let her know that it’s not. Tell her that you plan on going to your parents, or even higher up, if she doesn’t stop.

I’m going under the assumption that she’s acting out (out of desperation and a lack of knowing what her other options are), but it may not be the case. She may legitimately have some mental issues, that she needs worked out.

Bring this up to your parents if you haven’t already.

Answer #2

Thanks you guys. We have tried therepy. My mom cant really do much since she is refusing to take her meds. I dont know what to do with her. But I know that I am thinking about sending her to her brother for a week. Her brother used to be in the army. I think he could do something with her. Thanks so much for your advice.

Answer #3

have your parents put her in theropy!!! she can wind up hurting someone really bad with that knife!!! tell your mom!!! or dad!!!

Answer #4

tell your parents and tie her to her bed with duct tape…A LOT of duct tape, you know like they do to those people in mental facilities?

Answer #5

Tell your parents, they need to know and deal with her

Answer #6

send her to military school

Answer #7

Your parents need to do something, or you need to call child protective services and get them to do something

Answer #8

um maybe tell your parents?

Answer #9

My brother came @ me with a knife and I beat him. now he listens

Answer #10

She probably needs counseling,or some kind of therapist

Answer #11

Military school dosen’t do anything to you. I when’t their and it was so fun!

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