3rd and 4th holes

I want my 3rd holes and 4th on one side. how do you pierce your own ears?

Answer #1

You DON’T pierce ANYTHING yourself. Only a true moron would even THINK about doing ANY piercing by their self. Piercings are meant to be done PROFESSIONALLY… no matter what. If you pierce it yourself, chances are you’ll end up with infections, it won’t heal up correctly, and you probably won’t even pierce it right to begin with. Don’t listen to ANYONE giving you tips on how to do this yourself. Seriously, they’re full of sh*t. They’re NOT professionals and they DON’T know what they’re doing. Neither do you for that matter. If they would claim to be a professional piercer, ignore them because they’re lying. If they were truly a professional, they’d be saying DON’T EVER do ANY piercing yourself. ALWAYS get your piercings done by a PROFESSIONAL like myself.

Listen to my advice, I know what I’m talking about. You WILL regret doing it yourself and you’ll be wishing like hell you would have gotten it done professional. It’ll be well worth the price and you won’t be sorry, I promise. By getting it done professionally, you will KNOW it’s done right and you will have a VERY LOW risk of infection if you care for it properly that is. So seriously, DON’T DO IT YOURSELF. Get it done by a PROFESSIONAL.

Answer #2

Ask a stupid question, get stupid answers. These people ARE trying to help you! They’re helping you not make an idiotic choice that you’ll regret. They’re trying to help you understand the real facts about piercings - they’re to be done BY PROFESSIONALS. That’s just how things are.

Answer #3

prat. I’ve never heard that. I think its brat. and not really. I didnt ask so people could try to change my mind. I asked for helpful answers. its anooying when I get zero helpful ones but a bunch idc about

Answer #4

well then, your a bit of a prat.

Answer #5

You don’t and you actually pay money out to getting them done.

Answer #6

im doing it myslef. all I asked was how. im NOT changing my mind…

Answer #7

It’s best to spend the money and get them done professionally.

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