Why carry handguns?

something for my government class do you think the government should ban the selling & possesion of handguns? why or why not

Answer #1

All illegal guns were once legal guns. If we severely limited the number of hand guns made, we could limit the number of illegal ones. It is a fact that private hand gun ownership does much more harm than good. The amount of accidental, or domestic dispute shootings, far exceed the amount of people who have successfully used their guns for self defense. I just lost a nephew who was despondent, and because he had a hand gun readily available, he killed himself. Yes, he could have killed himself in other ways, but certainly not as easily. If hand guns were not so readily available, he might be alive today, and getting help.

Answer #2

if a criminal knows you dont have a weapon do you think its more or less likely he/she will target you?

No criminal obtains a weapon legaly. They steal them or buy them on the street. More laws for “gun control” only makes it harder for the law-abiding ctizens to own them. “Gun control” does absolutely nothing to stop the illegal sale of them. Thats what most people dont understand

Answer #3

I believe that having handguns is a very good thing being able to defend yourself and your family! Yes we need to defend our self’s Criminals will not stop just because they don’t have a gun they will keep going.

Think of it this way if someone was breaking in and you had nothing to defend yourself with what would you do? hit them in the head with something? Robber’s don’t always stop at that.

What if you had a gun I think the Robber would stop in his tracks if not, shoot him in the legs…Trust me he would not want to go any further, then call 911.

Oh and Taking Guns away wouldn’t keep people from killing them selfs and other people.

Answer #4

Instead of proposing we ban handguns, to solve crime. Try coming up with a way to ban the BLACK MARKET first.

Answer #5

I agree with captian, usally the ones doing wrong with the hand guns are the ones who got them illegally.

Answer #6

do you think the government should ban the selling & possesion of handguns?

Banning handguns won’t solve anything. Criminals will STILL acquire their weapons illegally.

Answer #7

what about the right to bear arms? shouldnt someone be able to defend themselves in their home? god forbid if somethin does happen.

Answer #8

introducing guns to the world was one of the most horrible mistakes that man has made

Answer #9

no. because disarming the population is an important step toward fascism.

Answer #10

if it was me no. but it doesnt matter what people want they will never be able to take tem out of the constitution Obama thought he could but now that he realizes he wont be able to he is going to put a 400% tax on amunition so if a box of bullets cost $10 now its gonna be $40 when he starts that tax. its rediculous he doesnt know how many people he is going to piss off with that

Answer #11

Ban them, absolutely…we shouldn’t have them. You don’t hunt with a handgun, so, why do you need one?

Answer #12

Should we ban cars because cars kill people?

Neither guns nor cars kill people. People kill people whether it be with guns or cars.

Take away the guns of law-abiding citizens and only criminals will have guns!

Here in Alaska we (adults) have the right to carry handguns, even concealed. The only exceptions are in bars; on school grounds; in court houses and police stations; and in such other places that are “posted” against weapons.

I think if more people were allowed to carry concealed weapons in the U.S. there would be a decrease in crime because the criminals wouldn’t know if their intended victim was armed so would think twice about a potential victim.

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