ab workout

whats a really killer ab workout I can do with minimal purchases? I have a few free weights for a dumbell sitting around if those are useful.

Answer #1

hold some ones or something sturdy and raise your feet like 5 inches off the ground slowly like 50 times and it should bur if not do it until it does and the move both feet to one side of your body and pulse there and do the same on the other side

Answer #2

lay on your back put your hands under you butt…then put your feet 6 inches off the ground…she how long you can stay with out letting them touch the ground

Answer #3

ab work out? cheap? maybe even free!

then go to your sofa, lay down, position yourself so you are laying on the floor with your bottom against the sofa front and your legs are resting on the seats. you should be making a kind of ‘s’ or ‘5’ shape, you can then put your hands gently behind the side parts of you head and just gently raise your head - using your stomach NOT your back muscles…you use your back and you may injurse it!

you will only need to do a few everyday and it won’t be long till you start seeing results. remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you start to gain weight it may well be you developing your muscles.

always seek proffesional help and medical advice before undergoing any exercie regime first, ok?

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