Evangelical Leader Ted Haggard

Seems like this whole Ted Haggard affair should give Evangelicals pause, no? He lead a 12,000 member church AND a 40 million member “denomination”. It feels kinda like deja vu (e.g., Swaggart, Bakker), no? One big recurring circle in Evangelicalism.

I personally know one persistent Evangelical who hopes that all non-Evangelicals will hit rock bottom. Her thinking is that that would make them humble and receptive to change, as in the conditioning she’d like to administer through some sort of personal intervention.

I never liked that aggressive approach/program, but it seems to me that her message that “rock bottom could do some good” might be a timely message for Evangelicals. I personally think Christ just could be using this episode to kick Evangelicals in the butt, so to speak! I’m sure that many Evangelicals are feeling a bit helpless/confused right now and so I’m sure that’s the process going on among many of your co-religionists, whether witting or not. What do you think?

Anyway, what kind of church discipline do you think Haggard will get? Do you think he’ll get any recognising that the Evangelical church is really not set up to be able to administer it. Is there a 12 step program that cvould help him come to Christ? Will Haggard just start a new church like so many defrocked pastors do?



Answer #1

You speak and assert yourself as an expert, I am not…..I’m just a sinner saved by the grace of God….if you want to call that a ‘buzz phrase’, have at it….I call it and know it to be the truth….thank you for including me in your prayers

I wonder if ‘I mean no disrespect’ could be considered a ‘buzz phrase’

God Bless You !!

Answer #2

My allegiance is not to ANY church….my allegiance is to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ….no church, no man….the church dwells within….at the Rapture Christ returns for the church (His people)….support that collective faction ? where does that come from ? with all due respect, you don’t have any idea where I go to church….re-read above entries, Ive never said….I’m for any church that teaches the Bible, the Bible, the Bible…it is my prayer that no-one who reads this is ‘Left Behind’ when the Rapture occurs and if you look at the evening news and the Book of Revelations, they read the same….He may return at any moment….I say again, my allegiance is to Jesus only….not easy, but I strive daily to do and say only things that are pleasing to Him

God Bless You !!

Answer #3

Hi Rudy, it bothers me in the aspect of ‘people having the confidence to look to anyone or any church for answers is to a degree diminished’…..other than that, I’m saddened that it happened, but it was ‘Ted Haggard’, not me….I’ll have to answer only for me, but praise God my sins have been covered by the blood of Jesus Christ….I am His….as for what church is better suited than another, I have no idea, but God knows

I don’t know why you said ‘does not seem to bother you’ when this is what I said >>>but anyone in the position of responsibility he held, must be held to higher standards by the people he is to lead and by God….<<<

Thanks for your reply….God Bless You !! am”richly”blessed

Answer #4

As all above have stated, there is not one who is Holy other than Christ. We all have fallen short of the Glory of God.

In a true evangelical church; a true Bible teaching, Christ centered church, as is ours, (but not perfect, for sure) there are deacons and elders (I’m one) who sit on a Consistory (board) and are accountability partners for each other and the pastor, youth pastor, and coming in March a youth and worship minister.

All of course, held to a great desire that we teach Christ and Him crucified.

We are just instruments of His Grace, and know that none of us are perfect. When a discipline situation arises, it is dealt with biblical loving remediation.

If Ted would have been a child molester, then, even if forgiven, would have a hard time preaching again. Is he really a Christian? We all are tempted in the mind, and if we act on those deceptions and take them to heart, they will be committed, then we fall.

At least God won’t let us fall any further than our knees, and we can ask for His forgiveness, turn from our wicked ways and not do it again. Only by His help, may we press on.

Bless you!

Answer #5

God is purifying his church… and he starts to those that are closest to him… he is a refiners fire… and is purging… he is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle… and Ted Haggard is saved, just like anyone else.. that believes in Christ…God allows certain sins in us to remain for some time.. before he actually puts his finger on them… calling us to repentance… we are all under the same mandate… to be free from sin…to forsake it, confess it, and be delivered of it… How many actually do??? Who is clean and who is pure??? Is this not what he asked of us??? Yes, of course it is…Is all sin out of your life??? If so, then why are you pointing a finger… if your spirit was right.. you would be crying out to God for all the pain and confusion this is bringing on the body of Christ… If you truly loved the Lord, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength… then you would pleading with him to help the ones to stand that are affected by this… and you would certainly understand how God cleans up his church…

Answer #6

Hi Amblessed

Sure all sin.

But this recurring problem with the self-appointed, self-annointed, no accountability crowd the Evangelical church has for leaders does not seem to bother you. Why? Shouldn’t this kinda stuff motivate you to find a better manifestation of Christianity than Evangelicalism?

Those Evans I’ve talked to are shaken to the core and several have decided to move on to churches which better manage their Christ-given stewardships. Don’t get me wrong, this generic brand of Evangelicalism you apparantly have is a nice introduction to Christianity, but the natural progression is to a more mature relationship with Christ. Doesn’t this experience tell you the Evangelical Church isn’t really suited all that well for that?



Answer #7

I mean no disrespect. It’s just that you speak like an Evangelical. The buzz phrases are apparent and you protest too intensely when you assert that you JUST follow Christ. My experience is that by and large, those who speak like this align with one or another of the multitudinous recent phenomenon Evangelical congregations.

Well, truth be told, all Christians in all denominations follow JUST Christ – at least as much if not more than those in the Evangelical movement. So my question stands – does this incident concerning gay sex and the leader of the Evangelicals motivate you to move beyond recent phenomenon manifestations of Christianity to a more mature manifestation which better emphasises the accountability Christ expects of his stewards?

You are in my prayers.


Answer #8

Amblessed said: “don’t know why you said ‘does not seem to bother you’ “

Me: I believe truly you are very deeply bothered – sorry I was not clear! I was referreing to your allegiance to the Evangelical church. There are so many other manifestations of Christianity out there – do you think that maybe Jesus is using this incident to give you a little nudge out the door of that collective faction?


Answer #9


Thanks for your answers.


Answer #10

ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God…..ALL….if he is sincerely sorry and asks for forgiveness, the LORD is faithful and just to forgive….doesn’t matter what the church does in this respect….he,as you and I will, have to answer one day before the Judgement Seat of Christ….but anyone in the position of responsibility he held, must be held to higher standards by the people he is to lead and by God….even after you’re saved you’re not going to be perfect….but if you stumble, that doesn’t make you suddenly ‘unsaved’….you have been bought with a price….Jesus paid the price for my sin and your sin on the cross….as for starting a new church, that depends on God’s will for his life…hope this helps you

God Bless You !!

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