christianity, I know you want too :)

well guys here goes.

do you believe that Jesus Christ ever existed???

state your opinion on why that is why you think so. and I would like if you added some source of where you got your information from, some logic behind your answer.

to me, no answer is wrong or right here, im not going to tell you if im a christian or not. and if your going to argue with each other: please no putting people down. let this be a peaceful healthy conversation.

Answer #1

By the way, it was writen by an athiest who wanted to get evidence to disprove the Bible, but he found too much physical, acheological, and historical evidence supporting the Bible that he became a Christian.

Strangely, that evidence seems to be completely missing as far as everyone else is concerned. Perhaps you can enlighten us so we too can be converted without having to enrich the author for the privelige?

Answer #2

I have a simple solution to every religion question on this site and in the entire world. Read the book Faithsearch by Dr. Don Beryle. He explains with EVIDENCE that the Bible is the most accurate book in the history of the world. This workbook outlines every question in life - Where do we come from? What is my purpose in life? Is there a God? All these questions can be answered if you read this book.

By the way, it was writen by an athiest who wanted to get evidence to disprove the Bible, but he found too much physical, acheological, and historical evidence supporting the Bible that he became a Christian. At least check it out.

Answer #3

ok guys. I see nothing but claims.

I know my answer very well. but the reason I ask is because I see a lot of declarations and claims that he did/didnt exist.

I believe in fairy tales more than I believe the bible… I mean come on, even Harry Potter is more believeable.

explain how please. thats not logic your using. that is your simple personal opinion, theres no proof here…

Even the Devil believes that Jesus exists.

I agree. Still. if you believe it, you must have your own reliable proof.

Of Course! Read the Bible…

there are other historical documents that could suggest your answer more correct or not. which ones are you educated from??

what part of :!!!LOOK IT UP!!!: dont you understand

I agree with arachnid on this one. I asked you to provide where you got this idea from. you did not.

have fun saying you dont exist (lol XD)

lol, you dont even know my what side I stand on and it sounds like your already assuming what it is. please dont attack people on this conversation.

remember guys its not always about just believing he did or didnt. there are facts out there. if your going to answer, I want to see them.

once again im not claiming he did or didnt exist, because then you would think I have a bias opinion. so im not saying.

theres a reason I ask you to provide some sort of document or reliable source. because a lot of us just make assumptions from what people think, and we dont ever decide to look it up for ourselves.

and thats not good. the best opinions you could state are logical opinions. philisophical ones. or, historical documents. they are out there…

continue please :)

Answer #4

I don’t think Christ ever existed at all. I think ‘christ’ was originally a mystical (not mythical) concept derived from the Old Testament. Christ represented an internal kingdom of ascetic self control.

After the Bar Kochba revolt in 130-135 CE, Christianity split from Judaism. At that point, the Gospels were written as a response to the horrors of that time period. Jesus, representing the Christ idea of mystical Judaism, was presented as being killed by the Romans at the hand of the Jews. His resurrection represents the split from Judaism and the rise of Christianity as an independent religion.

It wasn’t long before people began to take the Gospels as serious records of an earthly human Jesus.

The rest of the New Testament was written after that point, based in part on earlier mystical Jewish writings.

Answer #5

It is my personal opinion… I was trying to give you evidence and proof… obviously because then I would have written more than two lines…

Theres no proof that the stuff in the bible is true… Harry Potter is way more true, for many reasons.

Answer #6

@eternallife Afraid your ‘evidences’ will wither in the light of day and the scrutiny of half a dozen skeptics? If you have real evidence, providing it should not be a problem.

Answer #7

Yes Jesus did exist and there are concrete evidences for this. But I would prefer to offer the evidences through funmail. Funmail me and you will get your answers with evidences.

Answer #8

im glad to see some people are thinking with an open mind.

but still.

no one shows me any records. give us sources that anybody on fun advice can attain.

Answer #9

what part of :!!!LOOK IT UP!!!: dont you understand

I have ‘looked it up’, as you say - and reputable scholars don’t consider the bible to be any more reliable than any other contemporaneous text - possibly less so.

You’re the one who made the claim, it’s YOUR job to provide the sources - not ours to guess where you get your ideas from.

Answer #10

No and yes. I think all gods and goddesses are but two. But not him alone. Because if you ever look all all religons are close together. Eypt (sp?) pplz are the closets to christian faiths. The story line is the same. As well with other gods, dying coming back blah blah blah. So ya :)

Answer #11

what part of >:!!!LOOK IT UP!!!:< dont you understand they also say that you cant look at a word with out reading it so I know you saw that considering you copied it as well as read it so you had to have read it twice or more.

look it up,…before…you…telll…me…im …wrong…REALLY!

Answer #12

the bible is the most reliable book in all antiquity by SECULAR standards look it up.

Er, what? No it’s not.

There’s little to no independent evidence that Jesus existed. There’s certainly no independent records of any of the miraculous events that are attributed to him in the bible.

Personally, I’m inclined to think that probably someone by that name did exist, and had a messianic following - or possibly several people who have been conflated into one. It seems a more likely explanation than complete fabrication, at least based on what I know of how stories get handed down and changed.

Answer #13

the bible is the most reliable book in all antiquity by SECULAR standards look it up. if you need it spelt out for you, out of every book in existence the bible is the most accurate.

so with that said, whether you believe in christianity at all, christ lived it was documented, what he did was real, and documented. he has a grave and yes its empty. but before you give me well its empty so he really wasn’t there. it was written that jesus was born just as your birth certificate, hes just as real as you. have fun saying you dont exist (lol XD)

Answer #14

According to Major religions, Jesus existed no doubt.

According to Islam, Jesus existed of course without a doubt but Muslims believe in him as a great prophet and servant to Allah (God).

Acoording to Current Christianity, he existed as well but they believe in him as a son of God or God which is denied by Islam.

According to Current Judaism, he never existed but they believe he will come one day but the Jesus who already arrived to earth isn’t the real one in their viewpoint and they’re still waiting for him which is denied by Islam and Christianity.

Answer #15

I agree with arachnid.

if you believe so. you should have confidence in what you know to be true.

Answer #16

just typing :!!!LOOK IT UP!!!: does NOT make something valid.

Answer #17

Of Course! Read the Bible…

Answer #18

Even the Devil believes that Jesus exists.

Answer #19

yes I do believe that Jesus Christ existed but not as God or son of god we consider him a great prophet

Answer #20

I believe in fairy tales more than I believe the bible… I mean come on, even Harry Potter is more believeable.

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