Answer #1

Because both sides think they’re right.

Answer #2


Answer #3

We don’t most of the time. The biggest source of conflict between Christians and atheists is the role of religion in government. Many fundamentalists want Christianity to have a larger role in government while atheists want a secular government that is neutral with respect to all worldviews.

Answer #4


Answer #5

mainly they fight about the existence of god…. the teachings in the bible, or things that occur (lot and his daughters is one example) etc. etc.

being atheist myself i find it a menial discussion, as most theistic people (not just christians) are pretty blind and cannot really offer a valid rebutal without getting personal and calling names -_-

Answer #6

I don’t even know! I’m Christian and I have a hand full of friends how are atheists, it doesn’t bother me. Sometime we debate about each others views, but it’s all good. And I sit down and see why some people are Atheist. I just feel like I’m being pressured by my Christian friends(mainly people my age in Church and my mom) to judge and stick the bible in everybody’s face that I met. They don’t want you to be surrounded by people who arent like you. And that’s just not me, I LOVE learning about other peoples faith and their culture. I LOVE being around people that are different then me! Birds of a feather dont always flock together.But the Christians I hang around aren’t as opened minded. It kinda sucks.

Answer #7

Because people can’t just accept eachother or have calm discussions about a difference in opinion

Answer #8

Because people think that atheists have poisoned minds because of their nonbelif in god

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