Alive For What Perpose?!

Whenever there is a full moon I have a strange dream. I’ve been having this dream for about 6 years now. A ghost appears to me and starts telling me that I need to help and that im the last hope. She starts changing into a deamon and tries to kill me. The dream always would stop as she reached for me but now its at a point where shes ripping apart my chest. As she does a red light appears and I cant tell were its coming from.

If you have found my thing about my gym class experance then just to say that it happened about a year ago after the dream got worse.

Does anyone have an idea of what it means??!!

Answer #1

Nope but a shrink may not be a bad idea..they might help you find out about it =)

Answer #2

I used to have a reoccuring dream, or I should say a nightmare, because it was dreadful…

however, when I got saved, this dream returned shortly thereafter, only this time, I woke up long enough to say, Lord, please take this awful thing away.

He did, and it has never returned.

He is no respector of persons, what he does for one, he will do for all.

He is as near as your breath.

Answer #3

ya know when joshph had a dream it was achaley it was a angel from the lord try thinking of it that way it might deffet it good luck :)

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