Does anyone believe that aliens live on our moon?

Answer #1

On the moon? No … there has been nothing found on the moon to even hint at an atmosphere capable of maintaining life. I do believe there’s life out there, somewhere though - the universe is simply too big for there to be only us.

Answer #2

well im not sure about the moon, but i do believe that there is another species of some kind, aliens? on different planets or other galaxies. :)

Answer #3

Not on the surface though, underground.

Answer #4

I think that even underground, there would need to be evidence of water and food on the surface…I can’t imagine anything living in rock and dust. It’s just my opinion, though, I could be wrong.

Answer #5

The moon is pretty much a dead star. Although I do believe there may be life forms on other planets. They are not in our Solar system. They would have to be the correct temperature, the correct distance from the sun and have the right balance of different gasses , just like the Earth to sustain life forms.

Answer #6

No but they have proven that on other planets they have bacteria which I can suppose is an alien and we have also found another Galaxy so yes, I do think we aren’t the only life forms because in the other galaxy they have found a planet that is similar to ours but is a little bit closer to the sun than us.

Answer #7

The moon is definately not a dead star. It was supposedly formed from debris from our earth after a major collision during a very early stage in the earths development. I didn’t word my question properly. I meant underground, not on, sorry. An artificial atmosphere could be created. Even Buzz Aldrin has been coming out with claims of aliens on the moon and mars.

Answer #8

There has been claims that the grooves are markings from where water could have flowed previously. I think there is more suspicion of life form on Mars. But not any more , even if previously. It is too close to the Sun and life would perish.

Answer #9

Our moon cannot physically support life. However, the universe can. The goldilocks zone, (a area around a respective sun that can hold life) is easy to find. Hypothetically, you have a sun a similar size and heat as ours (lets call sin Sun: A), with a similar composition (that last bit is easy, all suns start with hydrogen, then make heavier atoms through Nuclear Fusion)

Then you have a couple (or 3 for best measure) of small planets revolving around Sun: A. These act as temporary obstructions to light emitted from sun A.

Now you have a planet made of a similar molecular composition to earth, that also is a similar size (if the sun is a similar size, this works). If they are both similar sizes (or at least Directly Proportionate) they distance will allow for life.

This is because the situations that allow for life to form from amino acids, (which can form from certain molecules formed by lightning striking water with certain atoms in it) and these amino acids, under specific conditions, can create Prokaryotes. These Prokaryotic cells can evolve due to changes in environment. Cells have a natural innate ability to Adapt. There adaptations cause genetic variations when carried on through generations. These Prokaryotic cells evolved rapidly, as they had a simply method for reproduction. Cellular division is when a cell splits itself to make 2 that are genetically identical, but adapt further. And so these cells evolve into further cells, and it continues, and as they adapt more and more, new species form through mutations. Those cells who do not adapt, die. This is called Natural Selection. So there we go, there can be life out there, due to science.

Thank you for reading, I’m a year ten student, who memorized this at age 12, while studying from a university Biology text book.

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