Answer #1

I don’t.

Answer #2

Yahweh….. though I’m christian not Jewish.

Answer #3

My bad…. for some reason I read What not Why…. ok why do I believe in Yahweh…. well as I stated I’m christian and have been raised in it….. and I understand the Bible… not really Norse Mythology

Answer #4

I don’t.

Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

Answer #5

Neither, I am a Pastafarian and I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his blessed noodleness…

Answer #6


Answer #7

I’m a christian, but odin’s still a bada**C: haha. and Anthony Hopkins is playing him in the movie Thor (May 6)!!! Im SO EXCITED!!! buutttt to answer your question, i believe in Yahweh, but still i admire any religion with good morals such as Budhist, islam ect…. Or Asatru (norse religion) which is actually the pre-Christian indigenous faith of the Norse peoples. If you want me to elaborate, i can but this respose looks long enough lol:>

Answer #8

I suck at spelling, its “buddhist”….dont judge me lol

Answer #9

I know about the religions, but if you want you can elaborate more on your answer of why, lol

Answer #10

I should probably rephrase the question as “Why do you believe in X over any other God” Or “Accept X over other Gods” etc

Answer #11

I don’t, Odin for the win!

Answer #12

For me the question would come down to what religious book is inspired by the Almighty Creator and therefore talks about the truth.As far as i understand,the Holly Bible has given much more evidence than any other to be such inspired book (by the way:the Bible acknowledges the existence of many gods but only one Creator-Psalms 82:6).

Answer #13

Who’s to say they weren’t? In mythology they basically pulled the world out of darkness. In Norse mythology, the world was created by a few gods out of the defeated body of a titan and the first humans were carved out of trees. And what scientifically based evidence might you be claiming proves more evidence than any other religion?

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