Never baptized

Okay, I was never baptized. I don’t go to church, but I believe in god and all. What are the disadvantages of being non baptized? Honestly how do you feel about that?

Answer #1

Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ Our Lord has done for us. (died for our sins)

Romans Chapter 6 (whole chapter) (but, briefly 1-5) Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more kindness and forgiveness? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or have you forgotten that when we became Christians (Christ like,followers of Christ, depends on your defenition) and were baptized to become one with Christ Jesus, we died with him? For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. 6:11 So you should consider yourselves dead to sin and able to live for the glory of God through Christ Jesus.

I was baptized over 4yrs ago, (introduced to a christian faith at 10, was in dark stages of my life during my early teens to adulthood, back to church again,literally broken spiritually, with many doubts) but,the way my church leader explained it to me in plain and simple language it’s being reborn in Christ, to where your past is forgiven and you have a new book with white pages to start all over again, but of course doesn’t mean, green light to make similar mistakes.

I agree with some of the above, you have to take steps and first know God, He already knows you. He knows your desires and the fact that your asking questions like these are a good sign. Let God work in you and you’ll never regret it. It’s not a bed of roses as you will find out, BUT once you acknowledge God’s presence in your life, He will bring much more peace to your life, He guarantees it, not me.

Answer #2

According to Mark chapter 16:16 says “he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned”

The emphesis of this verse is on belief not baptism. I it were it would have stated that He that believeth not and is not baptised shall be damned.

Jesus saved the theif on the cross and he was never baptised and Jesus told him that he would be with him in paradise that same day.

John 3:16 says For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (Nothing about baptism in this verse)

Baptism is an ordinance that is symbolic to circumsision. It identifies the beilever before other believers just like circumsision was practiced with male jewish boys to show they were jewish.

Is Baptism important? Yes it is. If you want to be obedient to God’s word and have God’s blessing on your life you will follow in believers baptism.

Baptism always followed salvation (belief in Christ) See Acts Chapter 8. Phillip witnessed the Eunich of Ethiopia and when the Eunich saw the pool of water he asked what doeth hinder him to be baptised. Phillip said doest thou believe.

Answer #3

Well, the disadvantages to not going to church or getting baptized, you don’t feel the spirit as much or have the feeling of Heavenly Father’s guidance or counsel. (If you believe in god, in my opinion, you wouldn’t be able to feel the warmth of the spirit so I would suggest to you to read the bible and find a church that you can attend to show that you really love him). I can tell you, I was in your shoes for awhile when I lived with my parents even though I was Lutheran and never practiced the religion. For me, it was real hard since we never went to church and as a child, that was real hard for me since I believed in god like you but, I didn’t read the bible or anything. Now, that I go to church, I can feel the spirit, his guidence, and counsel. It helps to read the bible and since I’m a Latter-Day Saint, it helps to read the Book of Mormon. So, please! read the bible and attend church. Its yuor choice, I’m not forcing you but, you would feel allot better.

Answer #4

I’ve been out of church, and I’ve been in, and I definately like in best. Have you had trouble at church, or, just have not found one that you like, yet?

God wants us to grow in him, to become mature in our faith, as well as to be a part of his family. I am really glad that you have fellowship on here, but, wish that you could find a local fellowship or congregation that you could feel loved and a part of.

There are many blessings that you will miss out on, by not being in fellowship. And so many chances to be a blessing to others, as well as receiving from them.

I think that there are many disiciplines that are part of being a Christian, and following the Lord in baptism, is one, so is being in fellowship.

It takes a mighty strong person to keep things straight in their lives, without being around others of like mind, as well as being accountable.

Would you like to talk about it ?

Answer #5

Disadvantage to not being saved. . Well for starters Baptism is one of the steps to being saved. . We have many examples in scripture and as for church attendance we are called to worship together. So the big disadvantage to not being baptized is you aren’t saved. . Anyone quoting you the sinners prayer need to realize that such a prayer is not scriptural.

Answer #6

You do believe in God-Great. Allow God’s word into your heart and begin or continue to read his word(Bible) and you will be on the path. The church building is not God; yet, the church lives within you and others who have accepted Jesus Christ attonement for our sins. You do need to surround yourself with other believers. I believe you have to keep things simple and begin understanding the one you believe in. In short, KEEP IT SIMPLE, BECAUSE IT IS JUST THAT-SIMPLE AND EASY!!! FORGIVE ME FOR NOT QOUTING CHAPTERS AND VERSES AS I’M RELEARNING MY SCRIPTURES AFTER AWHILE.

Answer #7

Well if you don’t go to church, and you don’t plan on going to church, then I really wouldn’t worry about it. If you want to follow a certain religion to a T,, and do everything assoicated with that religion, then you should do all of the things associated with it, like getting baptized. Too many people, I think, practice “buffet religion” as it’s sometimes called…you pick and choose what you want to follow and don’t want to follow. If you don’t want to follow all the rules, that’s fine! But don’t worry about certain rituals then, in that case. Just believe what you want to believe, and do with those beliefs whatever makes you feel good and encourages you to be a better person, and don’t worry so much about the technicalities.

Answer #8

It has been my observation that a Christian who is saved and has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, attends church to 1) please their Lord and Savior 2) fulfill their desire to grow and learn as much as possible - as far as baptized, that is not what saves you but having been saved (confessing your sin and asking Jesus to come into your heart) the person would want to be Baptized, following the example He set forth…Hope this helps !!

Answer #9

There are no disadvantages other than possible social stigma, depending on where you live.

Answer #10

Don’t worry about it. Baptism is only a ritual christians adopted from pagans…

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