How can I move out at 15?

i am 15 and i want to move out…what should i do???

Answer #1

15 dont u think thats a little young 2 moove out. i dont think that any 15 year old could survive on there own. Ur so young u havent finished school and u probably dont even have a job and if u do u probably dont make enough to help u out with anything. Unless ur talking about moving in with another family member or something. But if ur thinking about making it on ur own then i would say no. I would have never thought about moving out when i was 15 and im only 16.

Answer #2

depends why you want to you can go through emancipation but you have to have a good reason or have a kid or be married or be in the us marines or something..and it depends where you live… i live in ohio and you have to be 14 or older to get emancipated some places you have to be 17

good luck

xoxo ~dez

Answer #3

they r not giivin u strait answers her ill tell u strait up cuz if u wanna move out u can i aint gonna tell u not to like them u can go to court n tell them u wanna get emancipated n if u can prove to the courts that u can live on ur own n support urself they will sign papers n let u move out

Answer #4

they r not giivin u strait answers her ill tell u strait up cuz if u wanna move out u can i aint gonna tell u not to like them u can go to court n tell them u wanna get emancipated n if u can prove to the courts that u can live on ur own n support urself they will sign papers n let u move out

Answer #5

Well you need money a girlfreind and maybe a pet. when you have done that got he court and explain sign some papers and shift ur stuff and move out.

sorry but thats the only thing i can giv u

bye for now lauren

Answer #6

As the great wise Ace Man has said, if possible do not move out, stay in school and do as good as you can. Get involved with every after school activity you can (sports, various clubs, volenteer work) and just stay under the radar of your parents in a way that won’t get them after you. You didn’t say why you want out, so if your situation is dangerous you might do best to talk to a school counselor, trusted relative, or pastor.

Answer #7

well u need to consider a few things: one, how u will support yourself economically; two, where you will live; three, how you will take care of yourself and go to school/get a job. If you think that moving out will be better than the situation u r in now, look at these ideas and see if it really is better. If ur desperate to move out, u shud def get a job or maybe even find someone 2 move in with that can help support you.

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